Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Rainy Tuesday...

Hello all - long time no post!

I have been 1 part busy, 1 part lazy and 1 part delicious. So that explains why I haven't posted!

Busy: We officially have 3 gypsies in the part and they are definitely keeping me busy with 2 of my least favorite jobs. 1 is cleaning the bathroom. Yuck yuck yuck. The 2nd job is just doing my absolute best not to be Shanghai'd (is this a slur?) by them. They like to pay late and for varying amounts of time, so just keeping who has paid for what and when they are due is complicated!! Other things keeping me busy includes the grass and weeds. Although I still love the mowing (especially now that Ingrid is back on her wheels), it seems like I mow at least a little every day. And today I mowed for no less than 4 hours. Wowza.

Lazy: I had 3 books out from the library and I was working fervently to get through at least 2 by today as they are due back in 3 days. I did manage to finish "In Cold Blood" and "Water for Elephants". "In Cold Blood" was a very well written true crime - even if the language was a little old-fashioned. It was written in 1965 and I would say has stood the test of time. "Water for Elephants" - sooo good. A really good fiction novel. LJ- read this one! Right now I'm reading "The Year of Magical Thinking" which (80 pages in) seems like it will be very good as well.

Delicious: I'm working very hard, now that I'm here alone, not to let my diet slip to much into what I will call "Bachelor Food". And I did make 2 real meals last week and enjoy the leftovers for a long time. But last night I "batched" it - Totinos and Chocolate Ice Cream. YUM!

Today it rained on me a little bit as I mowed. Why does my skin feel so soft after even just a tiny bit of rain?



Anonymous said...

Hello? No Mention of the "perfect PB&J sandwich - why is it left out so often? Oh woe is the lonely Skippy and Welches...

tt said...

You're like the anti moustuire cream commerial "so soft, with just a little rain". Since you give it a good review, maybe I will read TYOMT. It's been recommended to me by Amazon numerous times, but sometimes Amazon is a little grandiose about how well it knows me. I did, however, read The Gang That Wouldn't Write Straight which talked about New Journalism and included Ms. Didion.

SillyCass said...

TYOMT is pretty good so far - pretty engaging book on her grief, etc... Definitely not a cheery book though :) But gotta get through it if I want to get new books on Friday! It sounds like our Amazon recommendations might be along the same lines. The next time they recommend a book that seems too 'smart' (read: no pictures) for me, I shall say "I bet you say that to all the girls."

Unknown said...

I just put the elephant book on hold at the library! I am #23 in line. :-) I'm jealous of your gypsies! Can you take pictures of them without them seeing? Like with a spy-cam or something?