Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Hello Again

Hiya!'s been 3 months since my last blog post on my Korean blog and I was thinking this weekend that a 2nd blog wouldn't be bad. :) I really liked being able to keep you all up to date with what's happening to me out in Kansas (and trust me, it's a lot!) So this is a little like the Korean blog, but will probably have less to do with food. Although if I try a new recipe I'm likely to post it here. Or a new restaurant. Or if I eat something really yummy. Or just get so busy that I forget a meal I'll probably whine about it here. So, it may have more to do with food that I originally thought! Well, at least I'm consistent. My favorite snack at this moment in time? An apple smeared with peanut butter. More blogging gold to come.

1 comment:

DJ said...

Bacon is a good food to blog about.

PS -- Peanut butter is gross.