Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Findings to note (variations ARE my butt)

...ok... so for now the photos are spared. Although if I can get Dan to send me a picture or pattern to use for fashioning them into cooking protection, I may have to change the plans for the photos. I found some ski goggles today that could be part of the 'shield'.

As unpacking continues I have found some things that I can't help but share-

One thing I found was a piece of paper that was from college that I think (correct me if I'm wrong LJ) we would leave out on the coffee table and write poems. Random crazy poems (Tara if you want to try to analyze these, feel free). These are all separate poems, even if one may have inspired the next. Please to enjoy:

Boy I'd
love to see
an impotent raptor.

black man
sits on an
orange coat
a fence post
laughs at me

an impotent squid
could definitely
and cheese!
(for free)

are my butt

how is life possible
with so

the evil
inside all
califlower men
is too much
to bear

indeed, but
Mickey Mouse is
my best

I don't know which of us wrote which of these... so some are definitely me and LJ, but some could be Alyssa, Ilisa, Jillian or even Dan. I really got no idea. But it's classic and a demonstration of greatness.


Anonymous said...

as the poems go... I don't think anyone should quit their day jobs
Glad you are having fun walking down memory lane
Keep up the good work
Aunt Sandi

Anonymous said...

OK WELL I think this is going to be yet another chapter in the BOOK OF LIFE. There are two things here that I know nothing about POEMS and COLLEGE PEOPLE So good luck
keep on keeping on

tt said...

Hm, let me put my analyst hat on, or glasses if we're to be Freudian. Well the two references to impotence (interesting to say the least) are about how disempowered today's youth feels in our materialistic society with declining emphasis on family as well as the individual instead of celebrity and financial gain. Mickey Mouse being your enemy, well, you could be referring to the fact that Walt Disney despite being a good Irishman was also an Anti-Semite and a greedy capitalist. Or, you were probably just being silly and fun.

tt said...

I know I'm dominating the commenting here, but I wanted to suggest that if you want to get rid of the prints right now, you could mod podge (I think that's the right word) the pictures onto some old piece of furniture and make your own personal wicker man that you can sacrifice to the gods of the Independent Woman (Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, perhaps) and have your own cathartic burning man in the backyard.

Unknown said...

Blackman eatin' broccoli! I definitely remember that. Wasn't it from one of Jillian's movie posters? Good times! :-)