Tuesday, February 26, 2008

blogger on tv?

Oh, yeah - and tonight apparently there is a TV show coming on called Quarterlife... and i think it's about a blogger - I'm gonna try to record it, but maybe you should watch if you can. Might show you what a blog is supposed to have...



Anonymous said...

Why watch a blogger on TV - TV is a completely different kind of media. I think I know what a blog is supposed to be. In this case a blog is: Cassie (Blog master) giving us all the invaluable information, deep thoughts, and excitement in her life. Sometimes there are even illustrations or photos to help extend our imaginations. What more could it be?

tt said...

What did you think of the show? I thought it was interesting, but I was surprised she was so candid with other people's secrets while she showed her face on her blog.

SillyCass said...

unfortunately, my efforts to record this show failed. But if she's giving up secrets... maybe I should. I'm not gonna show my face though - I'll keep that secret.