Wednesday, January 30, 2008


So I got my feelings hurt yesterday at bowling - and shockingly it had nothing to do with scores. I got my average twice and broke 100 all three games, so I (and no one else) can complain about that.

Here's the set-up. all of my team members except for me are married with kids. Three of the 4 others regularly bring their four kids, which I have absolutely no problem with. Anyone who's seen me with kids knows that I actually get along better with kids than other 27-year-olds. Hmm... a pattern here? I get along better with old people and kids. ARGH. Anyway - the kids love me and we play I spy or I bounce them or color or whatever. They are all 4 and under (one of them is just 2 weeks old), so they are pretty rambunctious, but I try to keep it calm.

So, at the end of bowling, everyone had left but me, and I was cleaning up our table and this older guy, (60 or 70?) Dennis came up and said something pretty mean. He said "You must be tired." I responded "Yeah, but I love kids, so it was worth it. I'll sleep good tonight." Here's the (probably unintentional) zinger: "You are kinda a convenient babysitter, aren't you?" He didn't say the word 'just' but I heard it. I mean I want to do convenient things for people, or the location of a gas station can be convenient or turning on the weather channel just in time for Local on the 8s is convenient, but I don't want people to describe ME as convenient. It just sucks because I really do like to do things for people - selfishly (shellfishly) it makes me feel good. I like to do favors, but I am starting to realize that people probably do look at that and think - wow, she's convenient. The conversation actually got a little worse as I just kinda shrugged and Dennis said "you should get your own kids." And all I could think to say is "well, I have dogs, and it's fun to give kids back to their parents." I think he's probably just an old man who didn't know that what he said was mean, but still. Pretty much just wanted me to never do anything nice again. Oh, well.


Anonymous said...

Hey you should just keep being you and do not take offense to anything an OLD MAN said just consider the source ....keep loving kids and helping the parents as much as enjoy it ... LUV U GRAMS

Anonymous said...

My 2cents... do what makes you happy and let the old farts fend for themselves! Love ya

DJ said...

I think you should punch Dennis in his fat old face!

Dennis is a Menace.

tt said...

Often people can't see how their comments hurt other people's feelings, don't forget how egotistical humans are unless they're well versed in putting them self in someone else's shoes. Just remember, what he said probably means that he thinks you'd be a good parent and he probably had no idea he'd hurt your feelings.

Anonymous said...

Which one is Dennis? I know people there who can take care of the running of his mouth :-) In either case - we all know how much you love kids - having the use of them for your entertainment is only an added benefit of being at the bowling alley. Just don't buy a flute and lead them out of town ;-)

Anonymous said...

I hate the name Dennis - he does not deserve to be listened to! And you get to bowl AND play with little kids all in one night, and you probably get to eat delicious bowling alley food, too, so you win all around! :-)