Sunday, January 20, 2008


This is full of updates. Some good, some disappointing. Oh... and a movie rant.

1st of all - all the twigs are picked up and in the gutter just waiting for the city. It took probably 3 four-hour days to complete finish that job with the dumptruck. I can't imagine how long it would've been if I'd been using a tarp as originally planned. I do know that my massage last week was much needed and deserved. :) All that bending and twisting made it nearly impossible to Wii box. Nearly.

2nd of all - A few blogs ago I provided a teaser: that I was going to enter the city bowling tournament. Sadly, there is no women's tournament, only men's. ARGH! So many things I would totally participate in - but getting enough other women to participate in them seems difficult. It's as if the women in this city have busy, full lives with things to do other than participate in recreation. Well, not this one!

I'm pretty sure Abilene is the only city where I've had to go to the city and pay to register my dogs. I suppose the fee is nothing to complain about - $2/dog, I think. But I think it's strange - I guess it's to try to control the pet population a little, but I think it's interesting that this is a problem in rural areas - but not the cities, where the are more people and more dogs? I will say that here, people just let their dogs run, but anyway - I guess I don't really have a stance on it - I certainly don't have a problem with it. I just think it's strange that in all the 15+ places I've lived, this is the first town that ever had that rule. I kinda like it - it gives Beppo and Vixie yet a little more bling.

Movie Review: Have you ever seen the movie About Last Night? It's an 80's movie with Demi Moore and Rob Lowe and one of the Belushis (John? Jim? The one who's not dead.) Anyway, in too many ways, it's like The Break-up. Why do I want to watch that crap? I'm no movie critic.. but I am critical of movies that require you sit through 45 minutes of people breaking up. It sucks to watch two grown-ups act like 11-year-olds. I don't see why anyone who has been in a long-term relationship - that failed - would watch these movies, then think to themselves - I wish I was still married/living with someone. Seriously - watching people argue makes me wonder why the divorce rate isn't higher - I guess I relate a little too closely to both of those movies (some of the lines were direct quotes between The Devil and I) and I just think that people should watch these movies before they are living with/married to somebody just to show you how easy it is to become completely stupid. I spent those 45 minutes - with both movies - wishing one of the people involved would just shut up and die! :) Worst part of About Last Night? After fighting and breaking up... in the end they get back together!!! Ridiculous - you've just spent the last 45 minutes hating each other! ARGH! Stay away!

1 comment:

tt said...

No women's bowling tournament? Where do you live, 1961 (before Gloria Steinem broke ground in Esquire and two years before the publication of "The Feminine Mystique")?