Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Well - not much to update

This is going to be one boring blog...trust me... stop reading now. You are better off just playing a game of solitaire. Maybe tomorrow I will have something to say.


Ok - now that we got rid of the fair weather fans we can get down to business. Unfortunately this really is pretty boring. There's very little going on here. I went bowling - a makeup night - on Friday. I bowled really good for me - a 109,128,153. I think a 153 may be my best game ever.

That's about it.



Anonymous said...

that is great some news is better than none and good bowling keep up the good work...LUV U GRAMS

Anonymous said...

You should talk about all the leaves you are cleaning or the road sweeping you are doing. There is plenty of ineresting things - How about a count on those leaves? Where are the kittens - grown and moved away already (I hope)?

DJ said...

I don't want to encourage you*, but this is funny stuff.

*Or DO I?

SillyCass said...

Ah - the leaves and road sweeping - right now I'm not actually doing that much road sweeping - more just mowing mowing mowing. I have been counting the leaves!!! We are up to 761,029 leaves that have been mulched!

Kittens - still small, still camped in the garage. Sadly there is now only 2... I don't know what happened to the third, but he was just black and white like #2, so who needs him, really?