Monday, October 1, 2007

Day 1: Atlanta to Phoenix to CABO!

This morning's flight to our layover in Phoenix was ridiculously early. We were awake at 4:30. (Later we will figure out that that is 1:30 Cabo time. I think anyway - we never really did get the time changes completely figured.) So we taxied to the airport and loaded the plane uneventfully. We were seated together, so so-far, so-good on meeting Mama Judy's stick together requirement. After we took off, we were told some disturbing news by the flight attendants: "Atlanta forgot (What??! To tighten a bolt?) to fill the plane (With what??! Jet fuel??!) with water. (oh.) So there is bottled water on the sinks in the 'lavs' to use for hand washing." Knowing that we are in a water-crisis the girl next to me still requests a bottle of water for her beverage and this really irks the flight attendant. She peacefully falls asleep. Only to be miraculously not awoken by the 'in air emergency' occurring one row in front of us in 1st class. Apparently there is a medical emergency, Drs. on board assist and all seems well when we deplane. I do not know how she slept through it though. We get to Phoenix, which is the most boring airport ever, and here's where the 'stick together' starts to fall apart. LJ loads in zone 6, me in zone 7. The airline people never called my zone! I'm not even exaggerating! I was the last person to load and nearly didn't make it to Cabo. While that would've made for an exciting blog, it would've been fairly disappointing. Anyway - 2 hours later - we land in Cabo. If you never been to a Mexican airport, it's fairly overwhelming. You are literally deluged with men trying to corral you to a time-share salesman who is trying to get you to agree to stuff you should never agree to. Legal stuff, but still! The most important word to learn in Spanish prior to going to Mexico is not Bano (bathroom), it's... NO! Anyway we finally get to our pre-booked ride from the airport to the resort, a really nice guy named Andres. At the resort we meet our concierge - Gerardo. Say it. It's awesome, trill your Rs. Once we make it to the room, we live up to our "Two awkward girls" title. We can't figure out the phone to book a sunset tour cruise. So we go to the activities director - I think Edwardo - who calls Andres and tries to get us booked. He talks in Spanish and then laughs and hangs up. Edwardo turns to us and says "It's too late; you missed it. Relax. Go have a beer." Ah, yes, I think we'll do just that. Time for a slightly panicked Mexican buffet for dinner.

Awkward Cassie: What's this? (pointing)
Accomplished chef stuck working in a resort buffet for stupid Americans: (indecipherable spanish).
Awkward Cassie: Oh. No thanks.

*****Tired fingers, more later****

Update: The coke: My dad, in a rage induced by jealousy, presumably over the celebrity the half-drunk Coke had realized in this blog, grabbed the coke from my hands and poured it on the floor. Bad dad! Or... I chugged it to avoid airport persecution.


Anonymous said...

Bad Dad! Of course I'm assuming that you wouldn't just make stuff up about your own flesh and blood... or would you??? Just glad your sweet nurturing Mother isn't your nemesis! Love you my beautiful, darling, daughter.

Anonymous said...

***This comment was engineered by Cassie under duress from Bad Dad***

Bad dad is getting both a complex and a bad rap. I killed no spiders - Caught one for Cassie and suggested she put holes in the lid for sundry feed items, I would never - NEVER - pour out or dispose of a perfectly good coke - even the one I had in Mississippi with a cockroach in it was strained and drank. So, I defer to the good senses of your readers to realize that I am being "hailed" as bad - when in fact I am quite nearly perfect in my goodness toward all living things and any soda perfected in the state of Georgia!