Friday, October 19, 2007

And now Today's news:

Well, I don't actually have much.

I painted the sign over at the Eisenhower center this week - it looks good. Probably a total of 8 or 9 hours on top of an extension ladder. I am really doing great things to get over my fear of heights. Jeff stopped and took a before and after picture, so I will try to get that posted by the end of the weekend.

I bowled lousy, but made my average all 3 games this week, so maybe I am getting more consistent? We'll see.

Tomorrow Jeff, the kids and I are heading down to Fort Scott KS to enter into a 4-wheeling competition. I'm the spotter. I'm nervous but I think we'll do ok!! I'll definitely have some stories on Sunday!


Unknown said...

Huck those rocks like a champ!

DJ said...

Why did you lie about posting the photo? Nobody likes a liar, liee.

Anonymous said...

I understand less and less of your blog entries each week. Don't take that as an insult. Perhaps my brain is melting. It happens, you know. It's caused by doing shots while dangling upside down.

Anonymous said...

Bishop Doctor Rabbi you obviously read the blog under the wrong circumstances - have your morning coffee first then try again. Makes perfect sense to me. Granted I have about 20 cups of morning-afternoon-evening coffee. But I get it.