Friday, August 3, 2007

New man in my life

And so much more.

First of all I gotta say sory it's been so long since I blogged! Mom and grandma came to visit me for my brithday, and I've since just felt lazy!

But here we go with the updates:

1st of all the night before mom and grandma came in I helped to move a building. A pretty decent sized shed actually. A customer of Jeff's wanted to get rid of a shed and he needed help :) So he lifted it with his skid loader on one edge. While it was lifted, Rod and I braced in that diagonal position with wood. Then we moved the loader and brought in the dump truck. We put the bed of the truck at the same angle as the building and butted them together. Then I go in the truck and lowered the bed while Jeff pushed the building up onto the bed. It was pretty smooth so far. The top of the shed had an old windvane on top, so Jeff put me on the roof of the shed with the bucket of the loader and I pulled it down :) Like an elephant. Then we drove it to the house and used a forklift to lift the building off the dumptruck and put it in position! A pretty smooth operation over all. I wish I had pictures. Hmm... maybe I will have something for you tomorrow.

I already blogged about my birthday. I had a huge smile on my face for the cake party. There is a photo of that, I will that for you... maybe tomorrow.

Yesterday was the parade, and I was in it!! Jeff drove his Big Red truck and threw... dum da dum: BIG RED gum :) I rode in the back with the kids and got to throw candy and gum. It was pretty cool :) I guess when I think about it, I've been in a parade before - rode my bike, or with drill team, but I don't think I've ever gotten to be a candy-thrower. We were a crowd favorite.

After the parade we went to the carnival with Leon and his kids. I rode a couple of carnival rides, and what I've learned is that I'm too damn old for centifigal forces. Or centrifical? Basically I'm to old for gravity. I'm pretty sure I have a broken rib and at least 3 bruises, one is bigger than my hand. It's no fun to be 27 at a fair. :)

Tonight I am going to the Rodeo with Rod. More tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

ok... I don't always see what I think is there... or really read what I think I have read... but then after reading... and re reading I found "Leon" He must be the "new" man!!!
Welcome Leon... do you know what you have let yourself in for???
The shed moving sounds like it went wonderfully! What was the occasion for a parade?
Love ya
Aunt Sandi

Anonymous said...

Ok who is the new man? Leon has been in your life for a long while - please explain. Sorry about the bruises - old age stinks. You must have been sleepy when you typed this blog,,, ? Love ya, Mom