Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Yesterday was my birthday, YAY ME!

I have to say, I had a pretty great birthday.

I usually dread birthdays at least a little bit - especially as I get older - not so much because of the number. I think you are as old as you act, so I'm about 6 today, just like I was yesterday. But birthdays just aren't the EVENT that they were when you were a kid.

But anyway, being a little glum in the morning, I decided to enjoy the day, no matter what. I got some really good stuff from Grandma and Ma - including an actual deputy badge. Watch out, villians, Deputy Marie is on the beat. So then I went and watched them put up a building at Jeff's house - literally a crew of 3 men built a 2 car carport in about 30 minutes. Take that Rachael Ray!

Then I went to the library - one of my favorite places and spent the afternoon in the pool. By this point, my mom had suggested that after dinner (where I had fried catfish) we go to wal-mart. I was ok with this - not elated, but it was something to do. I thought I might buy a raft.

So I was only able to eat half my catfish, so I had to stop by the house before going to Wal-mart so as to avoid stinkin' up the car. Apparently this played right in to mom and Jeff's plan. Jeff had at some point approached mom saying he was going to get a cake and ice cream and to bring me by his house after dinner. I was completely completely surprise and it literally brought tears to my eyes. Brooke wrote me a really sweet card and put a dollar inside. I can't remember the last time I got an actual bill in a card :)

Anyway - I hear 27 is the best year ever....

Love you all and thanks for a great birthday!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to YOU!!!
Glad you had a good time and great that Mom And Grams could be there!
27... oh what a great year! Enjoy it... you are a beautiful person who will only grow more beautiful with time!
Love Aunt Sandi

Unknown said...

That sounds fun! 27 IS a good year (so far for me anyway), so it's going to be great! Happy b-day again! :-)