Monday, August 20, 2007

the geniousity of my 10-year old neighbor

This is great - but should be read aloud - so shut your office door or tell your cube-mates that you might sound crazy for a minute.

I'm pretty close to my neighbor and in fact, his kids come over to hang out quite a bit. His 10-year old daughter, Brooke, came over and was writing a note. Here is a snippet of conversation while I helped her with said note.

Brooke: Ok, how do you spell "nyonce"?
Cassie: "Nyonce"??
Brooke: Yeah.
Cassie: Use it in a sentence.
Brooke: "Sorry for the inconvenyonce."

Great moments!


Anonymous said...

OK...Brooke officially wins the award for cutest ever!

tt said...

I get it, sort of. Is this some strange Midwesterner humor, or does she have a speech impediment?

SillyCass said...

Nah, she doesn't have a speech impediment - she just had broken the word down in her head and I guess thought I would understand and think the same way. I know I've done that on occasion - just started talking about something like the person I was talking to is in my head and understands what I was thinking. I just though 'NYONCE' was cute. :)

Anonymous said...

Did you try the second drawer on the left? - I know I left it in there!

SillyCass said...

Excellent example!