Friday, July 13, 2007

You people!

You will NEVER get pictures. Keep begging - it will get you nowhere.

I know I haven't blogged in quite a few days, but there's not much to say. I did Yoga on Wed. and Today. That is actually really nice. I hate it when I first wake up (the class is at 8!!), but then at the end of it, I feel really good. If ever someone was like "Pick - go pro in belly dancing or yoga!" I would pick yoga.

I bowled really good - at least at first - on Wednesday. A 166, 142 and I can't remember the last score (hmmm). I hope it was really low, though, because my average again this week was 120 and I don't know how I'm going to do it next week if my average is like 130. So let's all cross our fingers that I bombed the last game!

Today a pipe broke! And I fixed it - at least temporarily. I will get Jeff to help me with a permanent fix this weekend, but I was pretty proud that I temporarily fixed it. The camper that broke the pipe was a little insulting, in a sort of backwards way. As I'm sweating and working on this pipe he said "Well, I'm really impressed. These schools today have really dumbed it down and most people just don't have any common sense." I chortled a little and said "well, they don't teach plumbing in the average public school - everything to do with this, I learned from my mom." Like I said, slightly complimentary, but apparently before he broke the pipe, he thought I was an idiot with no common sense. Half of that is true. I won't say which half.



Anonymous said...

Just what do campers want from a "Belly Dancing Barbi"... I mean really
If this guy so so stupid he broke the pipe...Why was he surprised you could fix it??? Not like you haven't seen HIS kind of stupid before!!!
Keep up the good work
Aunt Sandi...
PS Still waiting...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'll never beg.