Monday, July 9, 2007

Belly Dancing Barbie

So this was interesting. I guess I should preface this by explaining some difficulties I've had meeting people. I tried to join the Tennis league, but that was too casual and in fact - I was the only one who showed up. I did join a bowling league - and have met a couple of people, but nothing serious, as far as new friends or anything. SO, talking to Jeff this week - I was feeling a little lonely. And he had a valid point. Aside from bowling and hanging out with him or Rod, really all I do is walk. And I like walking, but I gotta try to meet some people!

So I saw an ad in the newspaper a couple of weeks ago about 'The Dance Goddess' school of dance opening here in town. Belly dancing. I was like oh, what the hell - I'll call and see what it's about. So I called this weekend and signed up for a group class for tonight. But I was the only one there. The good news: I am a phenomenal belly dancer. Well, I don't really believe this, but the lady teacher is very nice and flattering. She did ask me to dance in 'DanceFest' and I told her I doubt it. She also asked (I am giggling as I write this for the unbelievability factor) if I was interested in going pro. I should've told her that I thought that that would interfere with my eating contest training. I told her I don't ever picture me struggling with that decision. She's very new-age, which is difficult to get used to, but a nice lady. She's going to choreograph me something cool to go with my Leo personality and my Goddess inside. I'm not kidding. Cassie, the klutziest person anyone of you knows. She did point out a costume - a gold coin bra when she was talking about me performing at DanceFest. That was laughable enough as it is! Do you think she has any idea how drunk I would have to be to wear a gold bra in public and be thinking to myself, "shimmy shake, hip thrust"? She had me wear the bra as a belt so I could hear when I was shimmying correctly. Other words of wisdom from her - I will teach you to be a fabulous dancer, but you have to promise not to work in a strip club. Again a witty comeback comes to me know: "Don't worry, I'm not working my way through Medical school." In actuality I just said I don't think that's anything we have to worry about. Anyway - I'm pretty proud I went and I'll probably go back next week, but don't expect to EVER see photos or videos of me in costume on here. Or anywhere. If pictures like that got out, I could never run for Miss New Jersey.

Today someone at the courthouse accidentally pushed the tornado siren button. And we are having stormy weather. I didn't hear it. This fact does not make me feel good about my ability to get to safety in case of an emergency.


Anonymous said...

Love it love it love it! But think of your poor Gma Rae - she needs pictures -- you know her eyesight is bad and all she has is the pictures you send via this life-sustaining blog. Poor Gma will be so disappointed. I doubt we will be able to console her thru this disappointment. The rest of us will promise not to look at them. I knew you would be a good belly dancer from the age a 4 when you were is ballet class.

Anonymous said...

Right on Cass!!! You have finally stopped talking to "old" men with blow up dogs and have come into the "new age" world. I just knew that the bowling would lead to yet more excitement in your life!!! I too will look forward to the "coin" bra as a belt pix.
Love ya
And keep up the interesting life you are living!!!
Aunt Sandi

Anonymous said...

Ah, the old "coin bra as a belt" trick. A classic. Does she have the steel bikini that Princess Leia wore in Return of the Jedi?

Also, nice Miss NJ reference -- topical!

Anonymous said...

ok so now we have BELLY DANCING!!
Good for you but I am not sure by the sounds of it you will meet any new people this way..also I would like to mention that Sandi and I have another SISTER and she used to take a lot of college classes for CREDITS (I never did know why) but one of her classes was BELLY DANCING and she did get college cedits too bad you did not do that while you were in college then maybe just maybe you would now qualify to wear the "THE GOLD COINED BRA"LUV U GRAMS

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, this is sooooo fantastic! I'm sorry there was no one there to meet, but who needs friends anyway once you're a world-famous belly dancer? :-) Oh, and I want to see pictures too!