Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I'm a dirty girl!

Or I was, when I was working. I've showered several times since then. The unfortunate thing: my face got stuck this way. We are all sad and blue.

By the was fried Zucchini strips dipped in spaghetti sauce? Yes, it's delicious, have some.


Anonymous said...

oooo YUCK!!! You have mud (I hope) on your hands...
and I would say I don't want your face to freeze that way... Our Mother always said it would if we made a bad face
Please tell me about zuccinni strips and speg.. sauce!!!
Love ya
Aunt Sandi

Anonymous said...

So it is okay to call yourself a "Dirty Girl?"

SillyCass said...

Truth is truth, as my friend David Tyson would say.

Unknown said...

"Truth? What's that? I've never heard that word. Is it like chance?" That's what you should say to David Tyson. This picture is so cute - you should make it your MySpace picture.