Friday, June 29, 2007

mustard... mayo... catch up!

Let's see - I did the wheat thing - and blogged appropriately, so we get to play catch up from Wednesday! And we have to explain cryptic Aunt Sandi! :)

Wednesday was bowling. My average this week before bowling was 120- and that seems just about perfect - I bowled 125,115,122. So at least the average seems fair. Unfortunately it cannot possibly make daddy proud. But the team we bowled against - one guy bowled a perfect game (in 9-pin world)! And our team beat his team - without even considering our handicap one game. So we are good as a team. But I could've told you that before.

Yesterday, I mostly recovered and enjoyed a little rain. Recovery was necessary because with a built-in DD, bowling becomes more fun than most weeknights - and then a recovery day is good.

Last night Beppo and Vixie were fascinated by something in the bushes in the yard. So fascinated in fact that they were ignoring my bribe of treats. And Beppo and Vixie usually think treats are the greatest thing EVER! So this morning when I could see, I went looking myself. And found a large rabbit with a broken neck. There really is only one explanation. Vixie is vicious. I wouldn't funk with her ladies and gents! She'd break your neck just as soon look at ya. So a quick call to the right hand guy so one person can lift Bugs and the other can hold the garbage bag open and problem solved. Except that trash was picked up yesterday. So I'm thinking that there will be a rotting carcass in my trash until Monday that cats, etc will pick through. Until....
The trash company came today and replaced our dumpster!!! Big news in these parts. Apparently Rod told them we were pricing other companies since they wouldn't replace our old crappy one. :) Knowing influential people is so crucial. So no rotting bunny and the new dumpster is bigger than the old- which helps with the next point.

Today the gypsies started coming back. Should be interesting - there are a lot more of them this time around!! Plenty of garbage will be made - now just to keep the paint and tar out of it!

Tonight will probably be mellow. Mellow is a good descriptive word to use in place of 'lame'.

Now to explain Aunt Sandi's comment "Please NO sky diving." Since last year I've been talking about going sky-diving with Jeff and I'm afraid (terrified really) that I think we're going to do it this summer. Now - obviously will we do research and do this safely - but realize that this blog was fairly boring. And if I don't do things occasionally (ride elephants, harvest wheat, skydive) all the entries will be this boring. Does anyone really want that??

Love to all!


Anonymous said...

You don't have to be a great bowler to make me proud! So the circus left and the gypsies moved in - seems there is something there to say - just not sure what it should be.... I alwys knew Vixie was dangerous! Finally two things:

1. Picture of said Dumpster


2. Better be videos of the SkyDiving event!

Anonymous said...

AND If you do not sky dive and let us see pictures then make up something entertaining ..because we can not be without our good reading..oh and the bowling was great..oh and about KILLER VICKIE don't you think maybe the dogs may have scared the rabbit and he or she ran into something and broke it's own neck? hummmmmm. LUV U GRAMS