Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I work, and I work...

and I go back tomorrow. I started my taxes job this week - and I am tired. It's hard waking up at a specific (and far earlier) time than you are used to! For the past two days, we've mostly just been getting the company line (I've forgotten how annoying it is to hear about how someone at corporate thinks you're important. I think I'm going to print up a new T-shirt in the style of "someone who loves me went to Cleveland and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"; mine will say "Someone is Corporate thinks I'm important and all I got was this lousy job".) No really, the job is not bad... at least so far, come April 14th, I might think differently. Tomorrow, we are done with training and the real stress happens. I do feel stretched a little thin though- the campground doesn't require much attention, but does need a little, working a 'real' job and we are trying to clean the clubhouse and get moved into it. Then we are going to open a daycare in the campground office. In a month, I should be doing taxes, daycare AND running the campground. If you think I don't blog much now....


Anonymous said...

Someone in Corporate KNOWS you are important :-)Just imagine if corporate could no longer find an employee! Of course we would all suffer - but it sure would be fun to force them to prove how important we are to them!!!!

Good luck with three jobs.

tt said...

You're like the Jamaican family on In Living Colour- "I got ten jobs mon!"

Anonymous said...

Wow and I can't keep up with my day to day! Love ya!