Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm back !

And so is my computer - thank goodness threats of class actions suits can still spur corporate America occasionally!

Sooo... Obama is our President, officially! YAY! We can drop that wordy 'President-elect' and get back to the watching and waiting. What I love (love, love! I'm in a good mood to have my computer back!) is that we (being Rachel Maddow) are still critical of him. Truthfully, I think I will usually stand behind him - but I have seen a little bit of politi-crap ... it's interesting ... i like that we can be critical and still like him. For the past 8 years, i have to admit that I was critical AND didn't like the president. I dunno... i think just having my computer back has made me extremely optimistic. Ah, materialisticness.

Anyway - news around here - mostly I've been working. At taxes... last week was insane...they say the peak should be over by mid-February... so I'm kinda just in survival mode. Eat, sleep, taxes, eat, sleep, campground work, taxes, eat... well, you get the basic outline. In between, my friend Jenny and I have gotten the Daycare ball rolling....we've signed up a total of 4 kids right now - I'm going to take the early morning shift until I have to go work taxes. Then hopefully when that office slows down I will be taking more hours - then when tax season is over, I will be doing the daycare and the campground at the same time - and we will have 12 kids total (in theory).....I am crazy.

Love to your corner!


Anonymous said...

You are a true American - you now eat and sleep taxes!

Anonymous said...

Please tell your laptop hello for me - I have missed her desperately. One way to look at it tho - with all those 12 days for the "other job" you didn't have time to devote to computering anyways. I think this is the first time one of our little clan have benefited from a class action - we didn't even qualify for the MCI/Worldcom mess - seems losing 50-60K wasn't enough. Congrats and good luck!

tt said...

I didn't see "shower" on your schedule.

Anonymous said...

I got so used to not seeing your blog I forgot to look and now here you are back..I NEED BLOG ALERT. You think it is crazy now with the taxes just wait till the middle of April and see what happens.good that you have all of this up and going now so when the busy season in the cmpgrd hits you will be ready. good luck on the child care thing. KEEP UP ALL THE GOOD WORK LUV U GRAMS