Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Me weakness is beans

I do love beans. Green beans, or bean beans. I LOVE black beans. Last week I realized there was none of this black gold in the house and I whined about it daily. Chili has to have beans in my opinion. Most of you know, I've lost a little weight this year. Nothing terribly drastic, but still... until.... Mom and dad recently bought fritos and bean dip. Now for the past 6 months, I've been avoiding almost everything sweet - rarely eating cookies, chocolate, delicious birthday cake. I've turned down samples of free homemade fudge. Twice. Today however I ate nearly half a can of bean dip. I'm disgusting. I blame Mom. She thinks my weight loss is bordering on drastic... and knew that given the time she could find my weakness. She is a brilliant opponent.

Speaking of opponent - we've sawed down tens of trees in the war against birds. Originally I was standing up for the trees, but then my dad noted what a blow this would be against my enemies. I was then less passionate about saving the trees and realized that it really was the circle of life for these particular trees to make it to a burn pile.


DJ said...

I love beans, too. They're good for your heart, or so it's said.

DJ said...

They're also the musical fruit.

Anonymous said...

Mm-wa-ha-ha-ha - my version os spelling of evil laugh.

Anonymous said...

I find myself becoming more fond of beans as I get older. When I was younger, beans of all kinds were my nemesis (in the Axis of Evil with onions and mushrooms). Now I find myself enjoying the many benefits - musical, cardiac, or otherwise - that beans bequeath. Onions have also abandoned their nuclear program (or increased their oil exports or whatever it takes to get off the Axis of Evil list), but mushrooms.... well there's just no getting around the fact you're eating something that feeds off dead/decaying matter and is related to athlete's foot. Unless they cease junta-style military rule. Then we'll talk.