Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Several of you know - birds and I - we're just not compatible. I've killed a couple - mostly vehicular birdslaughter. They've stolen my food. Mostly chicken, but I was also verbally threatened over french fries. Well, yesterday, one stepped over the line and pooped on me.



tt said...

That's supposed to be good luck! (she says enthusiastically as Cassie eyes her suspiciously while nonplussed and disgusted over the bird poop-age on her _____)

Anonymous said...

Yay, war! I've been wanting you to go to war with the birds for years now. Remember the massive bird we hit last year that exploded all over your car? I was thinking about that a couple days ago!

DJ said...


Anonymous said...

I think it is the car - after all, I was driving it a few days ago and some bird committed suicide on the antenna - why does Cassie's car seem to attract mentally ill birds - or maybe better - why does Cassie's car seem to zero in on them so well? It is all very interesting - especially if we all try to calculate how many Birds Cassie will have to eradicate before the entire bird population decides an amicable truce may be necessary. Finally - they obviously have a technological advantage with the dive-bomobing capability - I think she will have to train a legion of shock-troop cats to really fight back effectively (maybe a surge in the cat warrior numbers would help somehow)

Anonymous said...

I am not sure of this whole thing about the WAR - the bird poopomg on you could mean LOVE - after all when a baby poops on you would you yell WAR....... LUV U GRAMS

tt said...

If a baby pooped on me, I would yell "Who didn't put a diaper on this baby!" Unless the baby could fly.

Anonymous said...

lol @ tt's july 13 post!

I'm a little weirded out by your bird problem...I am with dad, although I have no idea what "shock-troops" are...are those teenagers that wear black and white makeup and have lots of piercings and say things like, "OMG I wish I were a vampire 'cuz blood is cool and I'm so dark and emotional and stuff."

Or maybe they're like those trick handbuzzers people have when they try to slap you high-five or something and shock *you* but not themselves... how does that work?

Or maybe they're like Navy SEALs or Marine Spec Ops or Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six dudes. Like Commando. Not the "Friends" Commando, like the 1980s movie "Commando."