Thursday, May 8, 2008

I broke Stella.

(Most of this blog is tongue-in-cheek- I'm mostly joking.)

Who's Stella you ask? Well, a couple of days ago my mom found a robin's egg on the ground un-broken. It was a chilly morning and odds were if it was kicked out of the nest, the mama bird knew that it was a sick egg or unfertilized or something was wrong. But I, on the off-chance that the baby was viable, wrapped it gently in one on Vixie's T-shirts and placed it on a space heater.

Well today, my monkey toes did their thing... and unconsciously gripped the t-shirt on the space heater and pulled. Stella was broken.

Stella was going to be a beautiful song bird if she lived. And I was going to teach her English - because I read that baby birds learn to sing just like baby humans learn to talk - by cooing. I was going to feed her a mixture of smashed peas and bananas, because I thought that would look close to chewed worms. Stella would sit on my shoulder and greet campers and mow! :( All my dreams of Stella are gone. Damn you monkey toes!


Anonymous said...

I know that there must be a comment for this - but I just can't come up with one. Love ya little monkey.

Anonymous said...


Sorry you broke your friend. :o(

Did it look like anything except a broken egg inside? Just curious.

DJ said...

Good going, Cassquatch.

SillyCass said...

Stella just looked like a broken egg. And a broken heart and unfulfilled dreams. With a side of toast.