Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cable saga is complete!

SO! The cable saga began... well, I don't know when. Maybe a month ago? When I blogged about turning off the cable was the start of the cable saga. Basically we have an 'old' section of the campground and a 'new' section. The 'old' section, appropriately, has old cable. That was, inappropriately, run illegally by the prior owner by splitting the signal and running it through boosters. We got legal pretty quickly, but the cable was never replaced and we were still running through boosters. Right about the time I cancelled cable, a customer complained that a cable plug was sparking and melting his cable. BIG problem. So obviously - I called the cable company and through a long drawn out fight through customer service, we finally just accepted their first offer. They really had (have?) us over a barrel. Basically they would provide us with the cable and we would trench and dig and bury and hook it up. So we did just that. I have to say - a trencher - probably the hardest machine to maneuver so far. It wasn't actually hard to do, but difficult to turn because I am so used to how a car turns and handles. There was definitely a bit of a learning curve. Anyway, today we got it completely completely finished. Check. Oh - and we got a good tidbit of conversation out of it:

Setting: Campground, Cassie's hands are in an electrical box.
Mom: We should probably turn the power off before we do this.
Cassie: (grunt)
Several minutes of silent effort pass.
Cassie: (jumping back) Ah! I just got shocked.
Mom: Did you pee your pants?

Good to know that my mom's first concern is "Do we have to do laundry on top of cable work today?"

Oh! And a little benefit...we had to have cable turned back on it the house. Have you seen that show The Alaska Adventure? What a delightful waste of an hour! I almost don't know what to do with myself having the TV on right now...


Bishop Dr. Michael C. Lewis said...

I watch a lot of TV.

When I'm not watching TV, I'm thinking about watching TV.

I have never heard of a show called the Alaska Adventure.

Neither has the internet.

Are you sure you even have a TV?

tt said...

Checking if you peed your pants is probbaly just an old school way of seeing if you have to go to the hospital, like feeling your forehead to check for a fever. Anyway, I'm still in suspense...did you?

SillyCass said...

Ok - apparently the hour of distraction was so delightful, that I actually forgot the name of the show- The Alaska Experiment... So there.

And No! I didn't pee my pants, this time.

Anonymous said...

Ok so we all know that she, ummm shall we say embellishes - as I recall I said - oh Honey are you okay? Let Mommy do that. Seriously she was watching reruns on TVLand - probably Northern Exposure. But I love her humor.