Thursday, September 20, 2007

This month is flying by!

And I haven't blogged near as much lately - I bet it's driving some of you crazy!

Well I just got back from a great 2 days in Denver with my friends - such a speedy trip ! It would've been nice to see more of you Coloradans and get to hang out a little longer, but I'm trying to shove as much as possible into these 2 weeks that my parents are here. I got back to Abilene last night and today I am flying to Atlanta for about a day and a half, and then on to CABO!! So the blog will continue to be un-updated. But I am taking my journal - that's right, I have this and a journal that until I die will be kept mostly secret. Anyway, I am going to blog the old fashioned way (I guess that would just be called logging) for the next week or so and then when I get back you will get a bunch of new entries!

Love you all! See you on the flipflop!


Unknown said...

Woohoo! I heart flipflops.

Anonymous said...

Well, most of us know how I feel about FLIPFLOPS (OR THONGS)as they were once known,,, but I must say I could easily HEART CABO also .. so you two have a great trip and I will catch you somewhere ... LUV U Grams