Sunday, August 21, 2011

here we are

Months later...

And soon little baby girl (or possibly boy) Skylar Jade will be here! It's amazing at the things that are changing, between the new niece and Mom and Dad's complete lifestyle change as Dad starts his new job, things feel a little crazy.

I am enjoying my new hobby and pretty much every week I am canning something. This winter, Todd and I will have fresh summer salsa, pickled beets (YUMMMM), dill pickles, zucchini relish and strawberry jam to enjoy. (I wonder if winter is easier to get through if you get to eat delicious summer vegetables?) And I'm not done yet. I am patiently waiting for Rod's pears to be ready for picking and then hold on to your hats, we'll have pear crunch, pear butter, pear sauce, pear jam... we'll probably have pear coming out of our pores.
The reasons I like this hobby is pretty basic really, but I think it's intrinsic to my personality to try new things to see if I can do it. (Can we say "idiot boots"?) I also think that, although there is money involved, I am creating something completely practical and useful. Plus the adoration! Oh, my goodness! You give someone a jar of homemade strawberry jam and you would think you gave them your first born!

Love and strawberry jam to you all!

1 comment:

daMom said...

I too, think this is a great new pasttime for you...but alas, I reap the benefits without having to do the work...can we all say - gotta love it!