Saturday, April 12, 2008

Random thoughts that are making me giggle

Ok - I know - no blog for days and now 4 in one? But my mom and I talk a lot on Instant Messenger, keeping the umbilical attached as much as I can, thank ya very much, and we had some real doozies that I'm still giggling about and feel the need to share my blog is the target on this Saturday evening at home, alone.

Me: I would never eat a quilt.
Mom: Unless it were made of beef.

Mom: You have a clock in your tummy like your grandpa Jerry.
Me: I like that genetically I have a clock in my tummy like my grandpa... or that crocodile. Maybe my great-great grandpa was a crocodile.
Mom: And your great-great grandma was Tinkerbell?
Me: uh...A fairy would NEVER mate with a crocodile.

My mom may possibly be one of the funniest people I know. I'm honored by her greatness and her lateness. That she would even show up for this fake S@!t.


Anonymous said...

What can I say but a truly humble, thanks. But what I said to her was - my only greatness is my children. Love ya 1, 2, 3 and 4!

Anonymous said...'s what's for dinner? can I get that medium rare? mmmm...dinner.

Anonymous said...

Bunch of wackos - cuckoo - cuckoo - cuckoo