Monday, December 29, 2008
Weirdest job interview ever....
So technically it wasn't an interview - but I had a 'meeting' today with the tax people to get me ready for working there during tax season - and it had to be one of the most bizarre 'work' meetings ever. I'm sitting in a tiny room with 3 people - 2 are the owners of the franchise and 1 the teacher of the tax class I was in. 1 of the people was talking about how she burped until she threw up yesterday. Throughout the meeting, she was burping. Frightening! Either way... job starts next Monday.... $$$$$.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
After several days of 'what ifs' and 'I'm sure it will be ok' Sarah is finally home safely. Saturday night she went to the ER because her spit up was basically projectile and neon green. We were much afeared that she may have to have surgery but after many tests and hours of 'wait and see' the doctors concluded it was just a virus and she has conquered it. She may not have the strongest immune system right now, but I imagine getting that sick this early has put her on a path to heatlh greatness. We are relieved to have her home and are celebrating every digestive victory as they come!
Here is a healthy Sarah:

Along with a couple of befores that I hadn't gotten around to uploading yet:

My foot for perspective:
Here is a healthy Sarah:
Along with a couple of befores that I hadn't gotten around to uploading yet:
My foot for perspective:
Monday, December 8, 2008
She's here!!!
Baby Sarah Katherine finally got here today... 8 pounds, 9 ounces! Big Sister Molly is still not sure about sharing... and was a little weirded out by having to leave mom and dad at the hospital, but really took everything in stride. Erikka is doing great and smiling and laughing... but that may be the morphine talking. We've decided Sarah's nickname may be Birdy - she was definitely hungry and when she wasn't crying was opening her mouth in the hopes that some food would fall in. She had a little bit of her fluid in her lungs and had to be bugged a lot to get a big cry out of her - maybe that's a sign that she just won't be a very fussy baby at all! Anyway - pictures. I'm sure there will be much more to follow!


Sarah (Little Bird):

Best Friends?:


Sarah (Little Bird):

Best Friends?:

Sunday, December 7, 2008
In Georgia!
I'm in Georgia - eagerly awaiting niece #2, pre-named Sarah Katherine. We're very excited - she is expected tomorrow afternoon! We've been soaking up Molly and trying to get Molly prepared for being a big sister. I really think this is going to be a big shock for her system. She has decided that there is only supposed to be 'one girl at a time'. Hmmm... but she is really excited about the idea of Sarah coming out to play with her. As soon as I have pictures - tomorrow afternoon - they will be here!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Obsessed with measurement?
I think I know why I love (hate!) to weigh myself everyday. It's what I would now call the Mary Poppins effect. Measuring yourself won't just tell you your height or your weight... it will also tell you if you are perfectly delightful in every way! bummer!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Babies, babies, babies!
This weekend I got to do a really cool thing. I got to see twins born - a boy and then a girl. Live, in person. I was only 1 of three people in the room, which was really an honor. And I did get to hold a brand new baby. I've always wanted to be a mama and involved in babies, so I can't even begin to tell you how much this upped the "I want one" factor. The noises new babies's kinda a cry, kinda a mewl. The boy was definitely the more difficult birthing- but the mom did both patiently and without drugs. A better goat than me, that's for sure. :) Did i trick you at all? Baby goats are one of the most cute things in the world. I wish I'd had my camera with me, but when I left the house I didn't predict I would be seeing a goat 'kid'. That's what it's called when a goat gives birth - kidding. A cow giving birth is called calving. When I get some land outside of town I will definitely have goats. Definitely.
I found this picture of a baby online - my goats were brown and white (which I named Tire Tracks and Santa Claus - I don't know if the owner will use those names... we'll see).

Now a real life picture. We were messing with the camera this weekend and Kyler took a picture while I was walking. And with no doctoring, this is how this particular photo turned out. Creepy, huh? I look like the freaking Grim Reaper. I tried to downplay it a little - because Kyler (only 10) kept saying maybe a ghost was standing in front of me when he took the picture and I didn't want him to get scared - but it really did creep me out!
I found this picture of a baby online - my goats were brown and white (which I named Tire Tracks and Santa Claus - I don't know if the owner will use those names... we'll see).

Now a real life picture. We were messing with the camera this weekend and Kyler took a picture while I was walking. And with no doctoring, this is how this particular photo turned out. Creepy, huh? I look like the freaking Grim Reaper. I tried to downplay it a little - because Kyler (only 10) kept saying maybe a ghost was standing in front of me when he took the picture and I didn't want him to get scared - but it really did creep me out!

Monday, November 24, 2008
But who will I moon?
And who will moon me?
Construction is finally done on I-70 between here and Salina. I'm pretty sure they've been working on it since Mom and Dad bought the joint. Sooo... I really can't anything about any other interstates...but if you want to come visit and are heading east to me. Enjoy the new road! I didn't have anything to do with it, but Mom did!
Construction is finally done on I-70 between here and Salina. I'm pretty sure they've been working on it since Mom and Dad bought the joint. Sooo... I really can't anything about any other interstates...but if you want to come visit and are heading east to me. Enjoy the new road! I didn't have anything to do with it, but Mom did!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
What a day for Chapman... and for Cassie!
Setting: Yesterday, Abilene, KS area
Well I got up early to get over to Chapman to get to yell Move That Bus. Originally it was supposed to be at 2:00pm but I heard from my sources at 11:00am that they'd moved it to 11:30. So I hurried off...and proceeded to wish I had a chair and stand around for 2 hours. I did get to cheer and scream and yell Move That Bus...for about a half an hour in 35 degree temperatures. That was enough for me. I left before they moved the actual bus. I had heard that Gavin Rossdale - a singer that I think is adorable and had a huge thing for in high school and is married to Gwen Stefani - was in town because the mom is a big fan, but was just going to meet with the family, not do a concert or anything in the new community center, complete with stage. I didn't really believe it. But I accepted it.
Then on the 5 o'clock news I heard that there was going to be a concert- it was supposed to start at 4, but they were running late. Luckily gas is cheap ($1.75!), I scurried back. Sure enough around 6:30, there was finally a concert! It was freezing and there was a cranky old man there who kinda put a damper on things, but to see Gavin... from 30 ft away? Pretty impressive. Actually, a lot of fun. And 10 minutes away from home and for free!!!
Then to top it off - I bowled the best game of my life - 168! I think it earns me a patch. I hope, I hope, I hope! Now, if it does... where to sew it?

Well I got up early to get over to Chapman to get to yell Move That Bus. Originally it was supposed to be at 2:00pm but I heard from my sources at 11:00am that they'd moved it to 11:30. So I hurried off...and proceeded to wish I had a chair and stand around for 2 hours. I did get to cheer and scream and yell Move That Bus...for about a half an hour in 35 degree temperatures. That was enough for me. I left before they moved the actual bus. I had heard that Gavin Rossdale - a singer that I think is adorable and had a huge thing for in high school and is married to Gwen Stefani - was in town because the mom is a big fan, but was just going to meet with the family, not do a concert or anything in the new community center, complete with stage. I didn't really believe it. But I accepted it.
Then on the 5 o'clock news I heard that there was going to be a concert- it was supposed to start at 4, but they were running late. Luckily gas is cheap ($1.75!), I scurried back. Sure enough around 6:30, there was finally a concert! It was freezing and there was a cranky old man there who kinda put a damper on things, but to see Gavin... from 30 ft away? Pretty impressive. Actually, a lot of fun. And 10 minutes away from home and for free!!!
Then to top it off - I bowled the best game of my life - 168! I think it earns me a patch. I hope, I hope, I hope! Now, if it does... where to sew it?

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Extreme Home Makeover
Well, while I don't think anyone in Chapman would say that the June 11th tornado was a good thing - there is a silver lining. Extreme Home Makeover, complete with Ty, Paige and all the man-tears you can stand, came to Chapman to help rebuild last week. It's actually pretty amazing. I took some pictures yesterday and I'll post them at the end. From what I understand the family chosen for the big house is pretty needy - a family of six, plus a nephew. The dad was injured in Iraq - I've heard different ways, shot in the neck or brain or back injury - either way sounds pretty extreme. Extreme enough to make Ty cry, I'm sure. They've been living on base at Fort Riley since the tornado - while the kids are still in school in Chapman - probably about 20-30 minutes away. Sounds like a family that will definitely have a much improved and much deserved life. Right now I think the family is in the Bahamas and that too me - that's a huge benefit too as the cold season has started. To me the crews working (most of which are local volunteers- -3000 volunteers) look like ants on an ant hill that I just kicked over. Seriously though - it really does make me think of an old-timey barn raising. The community has definitely shown support - if not for the family and Chapman, then the support for the desire to maybe be on TV!
But like I said - they are helping with the rebuilding of Chapman - not just one family. They are also rebuilding the community center - complete with huuuuge storm shelter, the city park, a smaller renovation for another family, and yesterday I even over heard someone saying that there was a bunch of volunteers down at the high school - an extra project. Now there are two ways to look at all this - depending on the level of cynicism I am feeling. It's amazing that 3000+ people and companies can come together and do this for each other. It kinda makes me sad that it takes 6 months and small screen celebrities to make it happen. And when it does happen - they build one huge home - rather than 5 smaller homes. Part of it is the appeal - the oooooh, ahhhh. But I think that I wish the appeal was just as great if they rebuilt for more people. The other side of me - the cynical aspect of me - is greatly pleased to be proved correct as some of the people of Chapman are getting jealous and snipe-y. Lots of people are whispering "They don't deserve it." Don't get me wrong - I think the family that they chose and the projects that the teams are working on are valid and needy - I stopped watching that show a long time ago because I got tired of crying both happy and sad tears, so... Sad. Happy. Sad? Happy? You tell me. Pictures galore.
This one is a little outside of town - but I think it's cool.

But like I said - they are helping with the rebuilding of Chapman - not just one family. They are also rebuilding the community center - complete with huuuuge storm shelter, the city park, a smaller renovation for another family, and yesterday I even over heard someone saying that there was a bunch of volunteers down at the high school - an extra project. Now there are two ways to look at all this - depending on the level of cynicism I am feeling. It's amazing that 3000+ people and companies can come together and do this for each other. It kinda makes me sad that it takes 6 months and small screen celebrities to make it happen. And when it does happen - they build one huge home - rather than 5 smaller homes. Part of it is the appeal - the oooooh, ahhhh. But I think that I wish the appeal was just as great if they rebuilt for more people. The other side of me - the cynical aspect of me - is greatly pleased to be proved correct as some of the people of Chapman are getting jealous and snipe-y. Lots of people are whispering "They don't deserve it." Don't get me wrong - I think the family that they chose and the projects that the teams are working on are valid and needy - I stopped watching that show a long time ago because I got tired of crying both happy and sad tears, so... Sad. Happy. Sad? Happy? You tell me. Pictures galore.
This one is a little outside of town - but I think it's cool.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I have a president
For the first time, the person I voted for ... and believed in for the past 2+ years won. I have a president.
I spent several (2+) hours at a local bar defending Barack and listening to ... AHEM... different opinions. Some from people that I love and think are great. But loving those people.. and listening to their.. AHEM... different opinions, makes me even more proud. What a great place I live in.
I spent several (2+) hours at a local bar defending Barack and listening to ... AHEM... different opinions. Some from people that I love and think are great. But loving those people.. and listening to their.. AHEM... different opinions, makes me even more proud. What a great place I live in.
I voted today...and I hope you did too... now it's just a waiting game! I'm excited and hopeful!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
You gotta get back on ... right?
Plenty to update you on!
A couple of weeks ago, we went camping - probably for the last time this year. We go to a pond at a friend's house and have a big bonfire, but it's really getting to chilly to be sleeping in a tent. We all went - Tommy, me, Kyler and Slayde, and the dogs. The boys decided to walk back up to the house to get a flashlight and the dogs followed them up there... we tried to call them back, and the boys tried to send them back but the dogs didn't listen. I wasn't too worried about it - it's way out in the country and I knew the dogs were just adventuring and would stay right with the boys. Well, our friends' 3-year old daughter had a brand new kitten. White with a black end on her tail. She was named Dipstick. Isn't that cute? Well, my dogs, who don't chase rabbits or squirrels and live with a cat, Potsy, apparently nosed Dipstick to death, broke her little back. :( Talk about feeling guilty!!! I felt awful. Luckily she'd only had it a couple of weeks, and this week we were able to find her a non-replacement replacement kitten and all seems to be fixed... I hope my dogs haven't traumatized her too much. Needless to say, I'm kinda glad camping season is over - by this time next year, maybe all will be forgotten.
A side story to the dogs nosing a kitten - the cat was a carrier for ring worm. So great. My dogs' muzzles are covered with the ring worm wounds... which we have them on a treatment regimen, but is still no fun. And I'm on look out for any wounds on humans! YUCK!!!
In other news... last night I fell off a horse. Literally. For several weeks I've been convincing this horse Wrangler that I'm a good person and he shouldn't hurt me. Feeding him apples and marshmallows, nuzzling and loving on him. All good - well yesterday I put one leg over his back to see how he reacted. He kinda looked at me sideways like... What do you think you're doing? I did that three or four times and then decided screw it - I'm insured. I went ahead and sat on him - here's the stupidity - no saddle, no reins, no bridle. So I'm holding his mane and he starts running. I figured better to fall here on this mud then on who knows what. I pushed off backwards and landed pretty much on my left side. Mostly just bruised, but my ankle pretty much instantly swelled to the size of a Grade A USDA approved Extra Large free range egg.

On to the hospital where I learn it is not broken - just a bad sprain and I'm equipped with crutches, a splint and some drugs!

I'm going to try again in a few weeks... gotta get back on that horse. But next time, I should probably have at least a few peices of equipment. We'll see if I've learned anything :)
A couple of weeks ago, we went camping - probably for the last time this year. We go to a pond at a friend's house and have a big bonfire, but it's really getting to chilly to be sleeping in a tent. We all went - Tommy, me, Kyler and Slayde, and the dogs. The boys decided to walk back up to the house to get a flashlight and the dogs followed them up there... we tried to call them back, and the boys tried to send them back but the dogs didn't listen. I wasn't too worried about it - it's way out in the country and I knew the dogs were just adventuring and would stay right with the boys. Well, our friends' 3-year old daughter had a brand new kitten. White with a black end on her tail. She was named Dipstick. Isn't that cute? Well, my dogs, who don't chase rabbits or squirrels and live with a cat, Potsy, apparently nosed Dipstick to death, broke her little back. :( Talk about feeling guilty!!! I felt awful. Luckily she'd only had it a couple of weeks, and this week we were able to find her a non-replacement replacement kitten and all seems to be fixed... I hope my dogs haven't traumatized her too much. Needless to say, I'm kinda glad camping season is over - by this time next year, maybe all will be forgotten.
A side story to the dogs nosing a kitten - the cat was a carrier for ring worm. So great. My dogs' muzzles are covered with the ring worm wounds... which we have them on a treatment regimen, but is still no fun. And I'm on look out for any wounds on humans! YUCK!!!
In other news... last night I fell off a horse. Literally. For several weeks I've been convincing this horse Wrangler that I'm a good person and he shouldn't hurt me. Feeding him apples and marshmallows, nuzzling and loving on him. All good - well yesterday I put one leg over his back to see how he reacted. He kinda looked at me sideways like... What do you think you're doing? I did that three or four times and then decided screw it - I'm insured. I went ahead and sat on him - here's the stupidity - no saddle, no reins, no bridle. So I'm holding his mane and he starts running. I figured better to fall here on this mud then on who knows what. I pushed off backwards and landed pretty much on my left side. Mostly just bruised, but my ankle pretty much instantly swelled to the size of a Grade A USDA approved Extra Large free range egg.

On to the hospital where I learn it is not broken - just a bad sprain and I'm equipped with crutches, a splint and some drugs!

I'm going to try again in a few weeks... gotta get back on that horse. But next time, I should probably have at least a few peices of equipment. We'll see if I've learned anything :)
Monday, October 6, 2008
different free food
Ya know... with the economy and such... well.
I went crawfish fishing (hunting? We didn't use poles.) yesterday with the boys in Mud Creek. We caught about 20-25 of the little suckers and saved them overnight. I was afraid they'd die..and then at that point you can't cook them. Well you can but I won't. Anyway here are the pictures from this part of the adventure. We are going to try to rig a net to be more efficient hunters. This apocolyptic economic mess isn't going to get me down. I think some sort of apple-crawfish quiche is in order. Now it's not a yard full of meats and cheeses....but it's close. As usual ignore the mess of the house!
Kyler (Tommy's 10-year old and the 2 biggest crawfish)

Bathtime (pre-cook)

Spa treatment

Dinner is served
I went crawfish fishing (hunting? We didn't use poles.) yesterday with the boys in Mud Creek. We caught about 20-25 of the little suckers and saved them overnight. I was afraid they'd die..and then at that point you can't cook them. Well you can but I won't. Anyway here are the pictures from this part of the adventure. We are going to try to rig a net to be more efficient hunters. This apocolyptic economic mess isn't going to get me down. I think some sort of apple-crawfish quiche is in order. Now it's not a yard full of meats and cheeses....but it's close. As usual ignore the mess of the house!
Kyler (Tommy's 10-year old and the 2 biggest crawfish)

Bathtime (pre-cook)

Spa treatment

Dinner is served

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Ah, living in the country.
We are driving along and see some beautiful red apples in a yard. The owner apparently doesn't care and doesn't pick them so we pick our fill ... 6 grocery bags full. So this morning has been spent peeling, coring, slicing and preparing. I've dehyrdrated about 6, prepared pie filling for 2 pies, started an apple tart. I'm gonna make applesauce, apple dumplings, apples are...well....the fruit of the orchard.
We are driving along and see some beautiful red apples in a yard. The owner apparently doesn't care and doesn't pick them so we pick our fill ... 6 grocery bags full. So this morning has been spent peeling, coring, slicing and preparing. I've dehyrdrated about 6, prepared pie filling for 2 pies, started an apple tart. I'm gonna make applesauce, apple dumplings, apples are...well....the fruit of the orchard.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Promised photos
Hey all !
Here is a link to some promised photos - most are from the 4-wheeling competition this past weekend - we came in 3rd by the way, despite the broken axle. In the competition rules dictate that you wear helmets - hence the astronaut helmet borrowed from a local demo derby champion. My Jeep is fine. The bulls: Tommy has a friend who raises buckin' bulls. When they are young they train the bulls to buck using innocent children and mildly adventurous 20-somethings on their backs. The owner bailed on us last weekend, but I'm hopeful a chance will come again. If so, pictures will follow for certain.
Sept 2008
And here are links to the 4-wheeling videos on YouTube:
Here is a link to some promised photos - most are from the 4-wheeling competition this past weekend - we came in 3rd by the way, despite the broken axle. In the competition rules dictate that you wear helmets - hence the astronaut helmet borrowed from a local demo derby champion. My Jeep is fine. The bulls: Tommy has a friend who raises buckin' bulls. When they are young they train the bulls to buck using innocent children and mildly adventurous 20-somethings on their backs. The owner bailed on us last weekend, but I'm hopeful a chance will come again. If so, pictures will follow for certain.
Sept 2008
And here are links to the 4-wheeling videos on YouTube:
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
It's been a long time comin'
Do you remember a few years ago when that guy in North Georgia was supposed to cremate a lot of bodies, but got overwhelmed when a part broke or something... and didn't cremate any of them? That's kind of like me and this blog. Everyday would go by and I would think ... I should've blogged! Then I would think.. I'll catch everyone up tomorrow. And so on and so on. Until today. I'm blogging.
Because so much has happened, I'm just going to cover the high points. Or low points.
Lowest Point: I had to put Vixie down. :( She was blind, diabetic, arthritic and had lost control of her bladder. I was mopping every day and she was still spending most days in a baby crib. It seemed to be getting beyond the point of fair. She was a very good dog. The house seems very quiet now (Baby and Beppo only bark when there is a real reason...Vix would bark just to say hi. Fourteen times.) And I haven't had a dog hug in too long. She would put a paw on either shoulder and just relax on your neck. Greatest dog hug ever. I just put her down last week. It was incredibly hard and I still get sad thinking about it. This morning Baby was sniffing under the kitchen table (where Vix usually hid). I think she can't quite figure out where the old lady is.
High Point and Low point: I now am down to just one job - running the campground. Just in time for winter when I can really afford to have to jobs. All summer I struggled a little bit through two jobs, but the company wasn't making enough money to afford me, so... that was the end of that. They might bring me back...but we'll see. This is good on one hand because that job was very boring, but also annoying because I was saving my money to afford 2 trips this fall - one to CO to visit my friends out there in October and one to GA in December to meet Erikka's new addition and help out however I can. But with only one income.... I have to save my pennies and I think it would be best to just plan a trip to GA and hope for CO next year. That is if Erikka and Steve (and Mo) don't mind the help and company.
Medium point: I started taking Tax Classes to learn how to prepare tax returns for H&R Block. I'm thinking that this will be a good time taker for a couple of months just when I have the extra time to give.
Medium-Low (scary) point: Starting tomorrow the motorcycle group is coming in - we are expecting 30-40 motorcycles. This is great for the campground- nice way to end the busy season, but our park has about 45 spots - and is about 1/3 full right now. Luckily most of them can double up... but this place is going to be incredible busy this weekend. I just keep thinking - survive to Sunday afternoon, survive, survive, survive.
Highest point: Last weekend was a 4-wheeling competition and we had lots of fun - I went with Jeff and his kids, and Tommy - the guy I've been seeing - and his kids. I have a couple of videos and pictures and I will youtube them... today... or tomorrow. I promise.
I'm sure there is more... but I can't think of what else has happened. I will try to get back into bloggin.
Because so much has happened, I'm just going to cover the high points. Or low points.
Lowest Point: I had to put Vixie down. :( She was blind, diabetic, arthritic and had lost control of her bladder. I was mopping every day and she was still spending most days in a baby crib. It seemed to be getting beyond the point of fair. She was a very good dog. The house seems very quiet now (Baby and Beppo only bark when there is a real reason...Vix would bark just to say hi. Fourteen times.) And I haven't had a dog hug in too long. She would put a paw on either shoulder and just relax on your neck. Greatest dog hug ever. I just put her down last week. It was incredibly hard and I still get sad thinking about it. This morning Baby was sniffing under the kitchen table (where Vix usually hid). I think she can't quite figure out where the old lady is.
High Point and Low point: I now am down to just one job - running the campground. Just in time for winter when I can really afford to have to jobs. All summer I struggled a little bit through two jobs, but the company wasn't making enough money to afford me, so... that was the end of that. They might bring me back...but we'll see. This is good on one hand because that job was very boring, but also annoying because I was saving my money to afford 2 trips this fall - one to CO to visit my friends out there in October and one to GA in December to meet Erikka's new addition and help out however I can. But with only one income.... I have to save my pennies and I think it would be best to just plan a trip to GA and hope for CO next year. That is if Erikka and Steve (and Mo) don't mind the help and company.
Medium point: I started taking Tax Classes to learn how to prepare tax returns for H&R Block. I'm thinking that this will be a good time taker for a couple of months just when I have the extra time to give.
Medium-Low (scary) point: Starting tomorrow the motorcycle group is coming in - we are expecting 30-40 motorcycles. This is great for the campground- nice way to end the busy season, but our park has about 45 spots - and is about 1/3 full right now. Luckily most of them can double up... but this place is going to be incredible busy this weekend. I just keep thinking - survive to Sunday afternoon, survive, survive, survive.
Highest point: Last weekend was a 4-wheeling competition and we had lots of fun - I went with Jeff and his kids, and Tommy - the guy I've been seeing - and his kids. I have a couple of videos and pictures and I will youtube them... today... or tomorrow. I promise.
I'm sure there is more... but I can't think of what else has happened. I will try to get back into bloggin.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
My favorite Ducks ever!
Patty and Alan are free in the front yard and they are happier than ever. I put the dogs out and then let the ducks into the dog yard to play in the pool. They are adorable. A special prize to whoever can figure out the brand of ducks they are though. I can't find a picture that has that little tuft. Here are the pictures

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Duck, Duck, Duck...
I have ducks! i haven't updated you, because I hadn't seen them in a while and thought perhaps there was a chance they were 'sleeping with the fishes'. I don't really know for how long they will stay with me, but I have em!! the gypsies came up today and said they couldn't catch their ducks and they were pulling out of the campground... so I caught them. Well, technically, it took 3 people about an hour to catch them. They are not biters. Right now Patty and Alan are relaxing in a dog crate with water, grass and bread. I know it's not right to keep them in there for long. But technically I'm not supposed to have them in the city limits at all. If we take them to Brown's Park, they may be run off. If we take them to a farm pond, they may not eat, because they seem a little domesticated. Even though it took a little while to catch them, they didn't fly or bite. Could they protect themselves from coyotes... or bigger ducks?
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Ducks, Gypsies and rotting bread products?
So I've had gypsies in the park for several weeks now - most of them have pulled out, but a couple remain. Yesterday afternoon I was mowing near the gypsies and noticed a box of garbage near their site and thought "ugh! so annoying." When I was ready to take a load of other crap of theirs to the dumpster, I rode past to pick up the box... that was full of hay. That's when I noticed the livestock tied to the site fence. A full site away from any gypsies there are 2 ducks tied to a sign post. Half of me was delighted by finding some free ducks (DUCKS!) and the other half was disappointed in the treatment of these animals (oddly, my third half just felt sleepy).
Assuming this livestock belongs to the gypsies that used to be parked near - but not in this spot, I knocked on a couple of trailer doors. They weren't answered and I wasn't surprised - for one, gypsies rarely answer the door, because they assume you want to collect rent. Also, only three cars were parked in the area. For them to be home, there would have to be three cars AND two trucks. A local lady who parks in the campground saw me and I waved her over and asked her if she knew anything about ducks. Conversation ensues:
Site 64, Covered Wagon RV Park, Abilene, KS, USA
Cassie, an awkward girl
Mrs. K, nice lady with good intentions where animals are concerned
Mr. K, nice man with similar good intentions
Gypsy Man (no description necessary)
Gypsy Woman (no description necessary)
Patty and Alan Orange, ducks at large
Cassie: Do you know anything about ducks? (Nervous and slightly giddy laugh)
Mrs. K: Ducks?
Cassie: There are ducks here! I think they may be abandoned. I've knocked on doors, but no one's home to claim them. And no one asked me if they could tie their ducks up here.
Mrs. K: Oh, they look hungry! Do you have a cracker?
Cassie: Not on me.
Mrs. K: I hope they don't eat them!
Cassie: I wouldn't put it past them... (shrugs)
(Mr. K enters, Campground west)
Cassie: I think somebody left me some ducks?
Mr. K: Whose are they?
Cassie: I'm not sure... no one is home to claim them.
Patty and Alan: Quack.
Mr. K: Well - if there are still here tomorrow, let me know and I will take them to my friends' pond, but I don't want anyone to shoot me while I'm taking these ducks.
Cassie: Ok... sounds like a plan. (Her heart is breaking a little, because she already luvs Alan and Patty.)
Intermission - during this time, Cassie calls her mother (who also laughs hysterically about the ducks), gathers her camera and old hot dog buns.
Later in the same setting with Gypsy Man:
Cassie: Do you know anything about these ducks?
Gypsy Man: Hey, Gypsy Woman, she wants to know about those ducks!
Gyspy Woman: Oh, those are the boy's ducks!
Cassie to herself: The same boy that can't be expected to be the least bit responsible for his inanimate possessions. Genius.
Gypsy Man: Why, do you want them?
Cassie: (YESYESYES! Do you have any goats?!) Well, I can find them a good home.
Gypsy Man: Well, we might just leave them with you.
Cassie: Well let me know if that's what you decide to do - either way can you move them next to your camper so people will know they were not just abandoned?
Gypsy Man: Sure!
Cassie: Thanks. Well, can I give 'em some bread?
Gypsy Man: You are so sweet honey, anytime!
Now I don't yet have possession of Patty or Alan, but if and when that happens I'll let you know!
Assuming this livestock belongs to the gypsies that used to be parked near - but not in this spot, I knocked on a couple of trailer doors. They weren't answered and I wasn't surprised - for one, gypsies rarely answer the door, because they assume you want to collect rent. Also, only three cars were parked in the area. For them to be home, there would have to be three cars AND two trucks. A local lady who parks in the campground saw me and I waved her over and asked her if she knew anything about ducks. Conversation ensues:
Site 64, Covered Wagon RV Park, Abilene, KS, USA
Cassie, an awkward girl
Mrs. K, nice lady with good intentions where animals are concerned
Mr. K, nice man with similar good intentions
Gypsy Man (no description necessary)
Gypsy Woman (no description necessary)
Patty and Alan Orange, ducks at large
Cassie: Do you know anything about ducks? (Nervous and slightly giddy laugh)
Mrs. K: Ducks?
Cassie: There are ducks here! I think they may be abandoned. I've knocked on doors, but no one's home to claim them. And no one asked me if they could tie their ducks up here.
Mrs. K: Oh, they look hungry! Do you have a cracker?
Cassie: Not on me.
Mrs. K: I hope they don't eat them!
Cassie: I wouldn't put it past them... (shrugs)
(Mr. K enters, Campground west)
Cassie: I think somebody left me some ducks?
Mr. K: Whose are they?
Cassie: I'm not sure... no one is home to claim them.
Patty and Alan: Quack.
Mr. K: Well - if there are still here tomorrow, let me know and I will take them to my friends' pond, but I don't want anyone to shoot me while I'm taking these ducks.
Cassie: Ok... sounds like a plan. (Her heart is breaking a little, because she already luvs Alan and Patty.)
Intermission - during this time, Cassie calls her mother (who also laughs hysterically about the ducks), gathers her camera and old hot dog buns.
Later in the same setting with Gypsy Man:
Cassie: Do you know anything about these ducks?
Gypsy Man: Hey, Gypsy Woman, she wants to know about those ducks!
Gyspy Woman: Oh, those are the boy's ducks!
Cassie to herself: The same boy that can't be expected to be the least bit responsible for his inanimate possessions. Genius.
Gypsy Man: Why, do you want them?
Cassie: (YESYESYES! Do you have any goats?!) Well, I can find them a good home.
Gypsy Man: Well, we might just leave them with you.
Cassie: Well let me know if that's what you decide to do - either way can you move them next to your camper so people will know they were not just abandoned?
Gypsy Man: Sure!
Cassie: Thanks. Well, can I give 'em some bread?
Gypsy Man: You are so sweet honey, anytime!
Now I don't yet have possession of Patty or Alan, but if and when that happens I'll let you know!

Tons of pictures
I have a ton of pictures to share... that's what this will be about - the next blog will be a funny story involving ducks, Gypsies and rotted hot dog buns!
Lately I've been sick, but before I got ill, I was able to get out and take some pictures... and here they are.
One of these cows is not like the others. More than anything I wanted all 4 of them to look at me at once but they refused. Bitches.

Beppo tree-d me... isn't this a cool tree? This is an old, hollow tree where we take the dogs swimming... it was a little scary climbing up there because it really IS hollow and also a little scary because there are giant raccoon...remnants.... yeah, remnants.

Speaking of swimming, we went back to the pond... Baby went a little deeper, but is still unsure of actually swimming. Beppo, on the other hand, was full tilt. I heard that King just learned how to swim - I see a play date, Mike and Tara! (Happy birthday, by the way!)

This is what it looks like when the entire state of Kansas turns it's back on you

Nothing clever to say about this

This art piece is titled "Return to Sender"

And lastly... before the ducks and such, at least, is the kittens. The black mama cat came back to the garage and had some mo' babies. Slut. All of the kittens (5) are adorable and mostly black or totally black, but one is siamese looking. I have named him Mozzarella. If it's a boy - Motts. If it's a girl - Ella. Purrrfect.
Lately I've been sick, but before I got ill, I was able to get out and take some pictures... and here they are.
One of these cows is not like the others. More than anything I wanted all 4 of them to look at me at once but they refused. Bitches.

Beppo tree-d me... isn't this a cool tree? This is an old, hollow tree where we take the dogs swimming... it was a little scary climbing up there because it really IS hollow and also a little scary because there are giant raccoon...remnants.... yeah, remnants.

Speaking of swimming, we went back to the pond... Baby went a little deeper, but is still unsure of actually swimming. Beppo, on the other hand, was full tilt. I heard that King just learned how to swim - I see a play date, Mike and Tara! (Happy birthday, by the way!)

This is what it looks like when the entire state of Kansas turns it's back on you

Nothing clever to say about this

This art piece is titled "Return to Sender"

And lastly... before the ducks and such, at least, is the kittens. The black mama cat came back to the garage and had some mo' babies. Slut. All of the kittens (5) are adorable and mostly black or totally black, but one is siamese looking. I have named him Mozzarella. If it's a boy - Motts. If it's a girl - Ella. Purrrfect.

Saturday, August 2, 2008
I was finally a cowboy!!
Well, I have once again falling behind on my blogging. The good news (or bad?) is that I'm falling a little behind on other things too, so don't feel like you are being neglected alone.
A couple of weekends ago, Old Abilene Town celebrated National Cowboy Appreciation Day. And I DO so appreciate a good cowboy. Basically what it was was a little showcase for Old Abilene Town, and we had a few little things like a stage coach ride and stuff. Here's a few fun pictures.

These pictures are of the same day - but not the Cowboy thing - one of them is of a real horse's ass, tho...

I didn't actually wear a cowboy hat... but I have recently shopped for chaps! I'm not actually going to buy any because I don't have a horse. And I'm not quite that flashy. The fair was in town (not the circus - no elephants), but the rodeo and derby and stuff. We had the big parade on Thursday which I did not ride in, but did participate in the drinking and watching aspects of parading. Some would say those are the most important parts of parading. I mean, if we didn't have people watching, all those people in the parading would just be really annoying drivers who litter.
Prior to this line, this blog was just waiting on pictures...I was too lazy. But then today we (Me, Tommy, and his kids, Kyler and Slayde) took Beppo and Baby to a pond and Beppo surprisingly swam! At first we were just going to take Baby, but I was talked into draggin Beppo along and she actually played in the water more than Baby! I forgot my camera but had my new phone (which reminds me if you want me to have your number, text or call me - I can't even get to the contacts on my old phone). so here are the best pictures I was able to get:

Beppo shaking off :)

It definitely made my day!
A couple of weekends ago, Old Abilene Town celebrated National Cowboy Appreciation Day. And I DO so appreciate a good cowboy. Basically what it was was a little showcase for Old Abilene Town, and we had a few little things like a stage coach ride and stuff. Here's a few fun pictures.
These pictures are of the same day - but not the Cowboy thing - one of them is of a real horse's ass, tho...
I didn't actually wear a cowboy hat... but I have recently shopped for chaps! I'm not actually going to buy any because I don't have a horse. And I'm not quite that flashy. The fair was in town (not the circus - no elephants), but the rodeo and derby and stuff. We had the big parade on Thursday which I did not ride in, but did participate in the drinking and watching aspects of parading. Some would say those are the most important parts of parading. I mean, if we didn't have people watching, all those people in the parading would just be really annoying drivers who litter.
Prior to this line, this blog was just waiting on pictures...I was too lazy. But then today we (Me, Tommy, and his kids, Kyler and Slayde) took Beppo and Baby to a pond and Beppo surprisingly swam! At first we were just going to take Baby, but I was talked into draggin Beppo along and she actually played in the water more than Baby! I forgot my camera but had my new phone (which reminds me if you want me to have your number, text or call me - I can't even get to the contacts on my old phone). so here are the best pictures I was able to get:

Beppo shaking off :)

It definitely made my day!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I'm not a streetwalker.
While I am not a streetwalker, I do often walk the streets...with my dogs, not trolling for Johns. This past weekend, I was a street dancer (although I didn't dance). Solomon (small town next door) had a band and several streets for something cleverly named the Solomon Street Dance. :) Drunken debauchery and revelry ensues. I forgot my big camera, but I tried to take a picture of the crowd with my phone... probably difficult to see.

Oh, in other news, today I have gained a year. Catching up to you Mike!

Oh, in other news, today I have gained a year. Catching up to you Mike!
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