Lately I've been sick, but before I got ill, I was able to get out and take some pictures... and here they are.
One of these cows is not like the others. More than anything I wanted all 4 of them to look at me at once but they refused. Bitches.

Beppo tree-d me... isn't this a cool tree? This is an old, hollow tree where we take the dogs swimming... it was a little scary climbing up there because it really IS hollow and also a little scary because there are giant raccoon...remnants.... yeah, remnants.

Speaking of swimming, we went back to the pond... Baby went a little deeper, but is still unsure of actually swimming. Beppo, on the other hand, was full tilt. I heard that King just learned how to swim - I see a play date, Mike and Tara! (Happy birthday, by the way!)

This is what it looks like when the entire state of Kansas turns it's back on you

Nothing clever to say about this

This art piece is titled "Return to Sender"

And lastly... before the ducks and such, at least, is the kittens. The black mama cat came back to the garage and had some mo' babies. Slut. All of the kittens (5) are adorable and mostly black or totally black, but one is siamese looking. I have named him Mozzarella. If it's a boy - Motts. If it's a girl - Ella. Purrrfect.

Where to start - Love the pixes - my favorite is the sunflowers - great caption, btw. Cow with cheap bling - kind of sad but she is proud. Baby's ear is not supposed to be up. You are not keeping up with her etiquette lessons. She won't go in the water because she saw Jaws. Glad you are well - Mozz or rella would be the way to prounce, IMO. Love ya!
Hahahahahahaha...Return to Sender. Awesome. I want one of those kittens!!
Who is sending mail in that mail box - I will have nightmares now - wayyyyyy to creepy...
I was thinking the mailbox in the graveyard was spooky-maybe it's a receptacle for the Dead Letter Dept.? Hardy har har.
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