A couple of weeks ago, we went camping - probably for the last time this year. We go to a pond at a friend's house and have a big bonfire, but it's really getting to chilly to be sleeping in a tent. We all went - Tommy, me, Kyler and Slayde, and the dogs. The boys decided to walk back up to the house to get a flashlight and the dogs followed them up there... we tried to call them back, and the boys tried to send them back but the dogs didn't listen. I wasn't too worried about it - it's way out in the country and I knew the dogs were just adventuring and would stay right with the boys. Well, our friends' 3-year old daughter had a brand new kitten. White with a black end on her tail. She was named Dipstick. Isn't that cute? Well, my dogs, who don't chase rabbits or squirrels and live with a cat, Potsy, apparently nosed Dipstick to death, broke her little back. :( Talk about feeling guilty!!! I felt awful. Luckily she'd only had it a couple of weeks, and this week we were able to find her a non-replacement replacement kitten and all seems to be fixed... I hope my dogs haven't traumatized her too much. Needless to say, I'm kinda glad camping season is over - by this time next year, maybe all will be forgotten.
A side story to the dogs nosing a kitten - the cat was a carrier for ring worm. So great. My dogs' muzzles are covered with the ring worm wounds... which we have them on a treatment regimen, but is still no fun. And I'm on look out for any wounds on humans! YUCK!!!
In other news... last night I fell off a horse. Literally. For several weeks I've been convincing this horse Wrangler that I'm a good person and he shouldn't hurt me. Feeding him apples and marshmallows, nuzzling and loving on him. All good - well yesterday I put one leg over his back to see how he reacted. He kinda looked at me sideways like... What do you think you're doing? I did that three or four times and then decided screw it - I'm insured. I went ahead and sat on him - here's the stupidity - no saddle, no reins, no bridle. So I'm holding his mane and he starts running. I figured better to fall here on this mud then on who knows what. I pushed off backwards and landed pretty much on my left side. Mostly just bruised, but my ankle pretty much instantly swelled to the size of a Grade A USDA approved Extra Large free range egg.

On to the hospital where I learn it is not broken - just a bad sprain and I'm equipped with crutches, a splint and some drugs!

I'm going to try again in a few weeks... gotta get back on that horse. But next time, I should probably have at least a few peices of equipment. We'll see if I've learned anything :)
The horse won't run forever!. hold on! That girl is a cowboy. Maybe next time with a saddle and bridle - the horse will let you sty for a while :-)
Wow just look at all of the stuff that has happened since you last put out a blog. don't listen to your dad about the horse just stay off of it. (I'm just kidding here but you see that is what I would do STAY OFF) sorry about your foot. also sorry about the Kitten but hope it all turns out ok. sure is strange that the dogs would do that but you know they probably thought it was a stuffed toys that moves. LUV U GRAMS
You are going to have to cut back on the adventures for a little while at least - the hospital workers might start thinking you are being abused or worse yet hurting yourself and fit you for a nice white jacket with crossed sleeves. Love and Hugs
Did your Mom just say you have Munchausen Syndrome? I think so. No, she just said someone might think you have it. Good to read you! Sad about the kitten. I think King has the instinct in him as well. Happy trails!
Cool crutches! :-) I'm sorry about your giant ankle, but incredibly impressed that you would even attempt to ride a horse without a saddle. Too bad about the kitten! I guess the ringworm will teach the doggies a lesson...
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