I went crawfish fishing (hunting? We didn't use poles.) yesterday with the boys in Mud Creek. We caught about 20-25 of the little suckers and saved them overnight. I was afraid they'd die..and then at that point you can't cook them. Well you can but I won't. Anyway here are the pictures from this part of the adventure. We are going to try to rig a net to be more efficient hunters. This apocolyptic economic mess isn't going to get me down. I think some sort of apple-crawfish quiche is in order. Now it's not a yard full of meats and cheeses....but it's close. As usual ignore the mess of the house!
Kyler (Tommy's 10-year old and the 2 biggest crawfish)

Bathtime (pre-cook)

Spa treatment

Dinner is served

Wow I do't know if I am suppose to say good for you or not. but the only thing I can think of is
YUCK I do know that a lot of people eat that but I am not one of them. so the bottom line to you is good for you and enjoy.
Years ago I was reat to a pltte crayish uo in a Louisiana Restauan. Basically boiled crawdads - Not bad as I remember - but not something I decided to ever try again :-) Looks like fun from mud to plate though!
That little boy is cute. And he looks like you!
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