Baby Sarah Katherine finally got here today... 8 pounds, 9 ounces! Big Sister Molly is still not sure about sharing... and was a little weirded out by having to leave mom and dad at the hospital, but really took everything in stride. Erikka is doing great and smiling and laughing... but that may be the morphine talking. We've decided Sarah's nickname may be Birdy - she was definitely hungry and when she wasn't crying was opening her mouth in the hopes that some food would fall in. She had a little bit of her fluid in her lungs and had to be bugged a lot to get a big cry out of her - maybe that's a sign that she just won't be a very fussy baby at all! Anyway - pictures. I'm sure there will be much more to follow!


Sarah (Little Bird):

Best Friends?:
Wow what a big and healthy looking baby good for them . and thank you CASS for the great pictures looking forward to more LUV U GRAMS
Them is my grand girls! What a beautiful day!
Yay! I'm so glad everyone's ok. I can't believe they let you take pictures and post them on your blog : ) Birdy, I like it. Like Ladybird Johnson, but prettier.
was I supposed to ask permission for picture posting? I figure there is a reason God makes you so vulnerable during childbirth - and it's so paparazzi can take pictures and there nuthin' you can do about it!
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