We are wrapping up a surprisingly cold Christmas visit here in Arizona and getting ready to pack and stuff to head back to Kansas. It's a good time to leave - I've reached the point that I definitely don't want to say goodbye, but I'm happy to think that in mere days I'll be back to my routine and life.
We had a great Christmas here. Not amazing - there were too many people absent to be an amazing Christmas - and we missed you all. I have to say Erikka and Mike and their families were notable absences. But we had a great visit with the people I did get to see. I hadn't seen Grandpa Ron since The Wedding. So that tells you how overdue this trip was. While I get to see Grandma Rae a little more often, I love seeing them both. I brought my 'accidentally' purchased Wii with me and Grandma not only loved playing it - she beat a lot of us. by the end of this week, she's a pro in bowling and could knock down 12 boxing bags when she worked the bag. I think Nintendo made a sale, and it's really good exercise for her (70 year old woman). It was really fun watching her play!
Not only did we play Wii - Mom, Cari and I put a roof on the new deck of the house. Jeff added in his help and it seems strong and indestructable. It was hard work - but satisfying work. Pass-me-a-beer-look-at-the-fine-work-we-did-today kinda work. If you could hear me, I would do a patented Tim Allen grunt here.
The roof is pretty low - it's a 1-story house - but it still did play a little bit on my fear of heights climbing the ladder up to the work. But once you are up there - the view is so amazing. I mean awe-inspiring amazing. It's a part of the country that you don't necessarily think 'Ah! Rural Arizona - gorgeous!' But it is. And we've decided the next step for the roof is one of those built-in attic ladders and a banister - make it an observation tower. I can't think of a better place to watch a sunset - or in the summer - the stars. Put on a hammock up there, and it'd probably be a hell of a place for a mid-day nap or pretending to be so primitive and camp it. I'm ready to go back to my life. And I'm far too social to make this place a permanent stop, but I see the appeal. Judys - this is probably equivalent to the peace you can find on the Trail. I hope anyway - I like the idea of experiencing the peace without having to poop in the woods. :)
I'm not really dreading the drive back - mainly because we are going in the motor home and dad will be driving. So i will be able to walk around, play around on my laptop or read a book or.... NAP! So how can I dread that??
Anyway, in an ideal world, all of you, dear readers, would've been with me this Christmas, physically. You were all in my thoughts.
Love and in case I don't talk to you on New Year's - Happy New Year's and don't forget this Old Acquaintance.
Oh and because this is far too sappy - and I don't want to inflict tears (Dan Judy) here is this.