I just competed in a watermelon contest!! I think I did pretty good too - I got second. When I first walked up I was worried that it was for kids only and that I was going to have to take 'em out (which I would have because first, and foremost, I am a competitor). If one of those little bastards would've gotten in my face and made me yell boo-YAH! I would have. Luckily I got to compete against adults. When I sat down with the adults, I mentioned, nonchalantly, that I have been training for this all my life and I skipped lunch. You know, you win a competition mentally first. This did seem to throw the competition, a Harley Davidson Pirate, until he said, "Well, I'm from out east, and in Pennsylvania I entered pie eating contests all the time. 9 inch pies." I had to walk away so he wouldn't see that he had knocked me a little out of my zone. So while a friend Tracy took pictures, since both Jeff and I assumed the other had a camera, I ate like you wouldn't believe. Unless you've seen me eat, in which case, you can probably imagine. Direct quote from Jeff "You got more balls then I give you credit for." I take this as a compliment. Anyway, I took second. Harley-Davidson-Pirate-Pie-Eating extrodinaire took first. At least I lost to a champion. This must be how it feels to get second on Survivor or Temptation Island.
Pictures were taken, and as soon as I have them, so will you, but for now, another installment of Cassie's Masterpiece Paint:
I hope you washed your hands first! By the way what is the 2nd place prize? (guessing a free Watermelon from the grocery store). AND - A pirate - you were beat by a Pirate? You just keep finding me ways to be even more proud of you...
Good thing you showed up to compete or the Pirate would have had no real competition. You'll be ready for next year, I'm sure. And who knows maybe the pirate will be down with food poisoning or something. WTG girly! Hmmmm balls compliment - wow you do rate with Jeff. Love ya, Ma
I hope you did not swallow any of the seeds---- I think it is great that you are finding so many interesting things to do in ABILENE -- WE ALL KNEW THAT THERE WERE THINGS TO DO BUT WERE ALWAYS WAY TOO BUSY TO ATTEND THEM -- OBVIOUSLY YOUU HAVE YOUR STUFF TOGETHER.... Lluv u GRAMS
There were 6 competitors all together... just the pirate was the real competition.
And I don't have my stuff together - I'm just good at justifying a little slacking off on Holidays :)
I forgot to put legs on the table - I can't believe no one berated me just yet. It's avant-garde!
Watermelon. Well-done.
I did not eat watermelon, I ate meat. It was Freedom Meat, marinated in Liberty, and grilled over a bed of hot Democracy Coals.
with legs as pretty as yours who looked for the table legs
I have never been more proud!! Also, you are such a fabulous artiste - you know how to concentrate on the important elements of the picture, like the watermelon and the dirty Cassie girl, instead of things like table legs. :-) Love you!
Soooo, how many watermelons did you eat? The recognized world record is 13.22 pounds.
You know, watermelon is 92% water.
It was a contest to see who could eat one piece the fastest. I was telling LJ: I wish it were a contest to see who could eat the most without their hands. I could've justified getting really stinking dirty and I would've won, because I have immense power over my facial muscles thanks to hours staring in mirrors making faces! And yes, they are mostly water, I had to Q like a racehorse after the contest!! :)
Watermelons are 8% melon.
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