But when I got home, Jeff and I worked and fixed a dryer. Pretty cool - not the perfect day yet, but still. Then I heard dreaded words. "You got a lot of standing water out here." First thought: Water? Or Sewage? Luckily, water! But there was a lot of it - after a phone call to mom, I have been assigned to dig - there is a leak somewheres, just got to find it. So after a fair amount of mocking, Jeff took a picture of me working (I guess he thought we all needed proof.) then helped me. We thought we had found the leak, but couldn't figure out why it wasn't more obvious. As much water as there was, it should have been really flowing. So we thought about it and Jeff tried to turn the spigot on - that's when I told him that I had shut the water off. So of course - that's why it wasn't flowing. So Jeff knelt down and turned the water back on. The pictoral depiction below, while obviously gorgeous, is in no way accurate. I got way more water squirted on me, and Jeff is not a midget - just kneeling. Thank you. Photos of me working will be posted eventually for the non-believers, Dan Judy.

Either way, leak repaired, life back to normal here. :)
Actually, I like the MS Paint representations of your work better than the real thing.
(Of course, having never SEEN the real thing, this is all theoretical.)
Just wondering if dj has a blog of his own -I get a giggle out of his sarcasm... kind of a He Said She Said thing! BTW digging is good for the sole - it was one of Gpa Jerry's favorite hobbies.
Ok so I meant Soul - but it isn't bad for strong Soled Shoes, either!
you know illiterate, I can deal with - insulting is more difficult. I'm hurt that my own mother assumes sarcasm in that compliment!! :)
Now, as far as I know - DJ doesn't have a blog in the sense that I have a blog. And if he did, advertising for it on my blog would be rather off-putting. Unless it was a blog on how to make screen print T's advertising Cassie Seeking... Then it would be cool.
DJ recently promised a new, funny blog on MySpace and has yet to deliver. On another note - you know I love your computer paintings! Heart in a Blender is still my all-time favorite, though. Also, your life is soooo much more fun than mine!
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