We are wrapping up a surprisingly cold Christmas visit here in Arizona and getting ready to pack and stuff to head back to Kansas. It's a good time to leave - I've reached the point that I definitely don't want to say goodbye, but I'm happy to think that in mere days I'll be back to my routine and life.
We had a great Christmas here. Not amazing - there were too many people absent to be an amazing Christmas - and we missed you all. I have to say Erikka and Mike and their families were notable absences. But we had a great visit with the people I did get to see. I hadn't seen Grandpa Ron since The Wedding. So that tells you how overdue this trip was. While I get to see Grandma Rae a little more often, I love seeing them both. I brought my 'accidentally' purchased Wii with me and Grandma not only loved playing it - she beat a lot of us. by the end of this week, she's a pro in bowling and could knock down 12 boxing bags when she worked the bag. I think Nintendo made a sale, and it's really good exercise for her (70 year old woman). It was really fun watching her play!
Not only did we play Wii - Mom, Cari and I put a roof on the new deck of the house. Jeff added in his help and it seems strong and indestructable. It was hard work - but satisfying work. Pass-me-a-beer-look-at-the-fine-work-we-did-today kinda work. If you could hear me, I would do a patented Tim Allen grunt here.
The roof is pretty low - it's a 1-story house - but it still did play a little bit on my fear of heights climbing the ladder up to the work. But once you are up there - the view is so amazing. I mean awe-inspiring amazing. It's a part of the country that you don't necessarily think 'Ah! Rural Arizona - gorgeous!' But it is. And we've decided the next step for the roof is one of those built-in attic ladders and a banister - make it an observation tower. I can't think of a better place to watch a sunset - or in the summer - the stars. Put on a hammock up there, and it'd probably be a hell of a place for a mid-day nap or pretending to be so primitive and camp it. I'm ready to go back to my life. And I'm far too social to make this place a permanent stop, but I see the appeal. Judys - this is probably equivalent to the peace you can find on the Trail. I hope anyway - I like the idea of experiencing the peace without having to poop in the woods. :)
I'm not really dreading the drive back - mainly because we are going in the motor home and dad will be driving. So i will be able to walk around, play around on my laptop or read a book or.... NAP! So how can I dread that??
Anyway, in an ideal world, all of you, dear readers, would've been with me this Christmas, physically. You were all in my thoughts.
Love and in case I don't talk to you on New Year's - Happy New Year's and don't forget this Old Acquaintance.
Oh and because this is far too sappy - and I don't want to inflict tears (Dan Judy) here is this.

Your Christmas sounds fun! I want to play the Wii someday. I love the whole exercise aspect of it. Sounds like so much more fun than a treadmill... The roof picture is very cool! I'm going to call you Bob the Builder from now on.
Hahaha! Nice redneck photo!
Also, pooping in the woods is sublime.
Happy New Year!
We missed you too. I'm sorry we couldn't make it. Happy New Year! I have a feeling this is going to be a good one. :)
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