The new man in my life is POTSY! Turns out that thing between his legs? An inconvenient scrotum sac. Just like Al Gore. We talked about it and we are going to stick with MR. Potsworthy, although, it has lost all its ironic flair. Or maybe now it has more ironic flair. You know what this teaches me? Be careful what you name your kids. A Mr. Potsworthy became a Mr. just as soon as a Tiffani Crystal Lewis would've become a stripper.
Last night was the rodeo and it was awesome. A little stressful when the people got thrown and trampled but everyone managed to walk away. The worst (and best) part of the show was the mutton busting. Kids (they all looked under 8) were put on the backs of sheep and the sheep were encouraged to run and buck. It looked adorable and cute and terrifying all at once. Either way, I will be attending the rodeo again next year as it was a good time for all.
So now for one promised picture (I hope to have more for you eventually). This picture was drawn freehand rather than using MSPaint due to the details. Here to enjoy:

Van Gogh...Picasso...Cassie.
Your drawings are my favorite, Tiffani Crystal! And congrats to Potsy. I'm not sure what for...being a man? Being appropriately named? I don't know. But I'm happy for him.
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