A couple of weeks ago, we went camping - probably for the last time this year. We go to a pond at a friend's house and have a big bonfire, but it's really getting to chilly to be sleeping in a tent. We all went - Tommy, me, Kyler and Slayde, and the dogs. The boys decided to walk back up to the house to get a flashlight and the dogs followed them up there... we tried to call them back, and the boys tried to send them back but the dogs didn't listen. I wasn't too worried about it - it's way out in the country and I knew the dogs were just adventuring and would stay right with the boys. Well, our friends' 3-year old daughter had a brand new kitten. White with a black end on her tail. She was named Dipstick. Isn't that cute? Well, my dogs, who don't chase rabbits or squirrels and live with a cat, Potsy, apparently nosed Dipstick to death, broke her little back. :( Talk about feeling guilty!!! I felt awful. Luckily she'd only had it a couple of weeks, and this week we were able to find her a non-replacement replacement kitten and all seems to be fixed... I hope my dogs haven't traumatized her too much. Needless to say, I'm kinda glad camping season is over - by this time next year, maybe all will be forgotten.
A side story to the dogs nosing a kitten - the cat was a carrier for ring worm. So great. My dogs' muzzles are covered with the ring worm wounds... which we have them on a treatment regimen, but is still no fun. And I'm on look out for any wounds on humans! YUCK!!!
In other news... last night I fell off a horse. Literally. For several weeks I've been convincing this horse Wrangler that I'm a good person and he shouldn't hurt me. Feeding him apples and marshmallows, nuzzling and loving on him. All good - well yesterday I put one leg over his back to see how he reacted. He kinda looked at me sideways like... What do you think you're doing? I did that three or four times and then decided screw it - I'm insured. I went ahead and sat on him - here's the stupidity - no saddle, no reins, no bridle. So I'm holding his mane and he starts running. I figured better to fall here on this mud then on who knows what. I pushed off backwards and landed pretty much on my left side. Mostly just bruised, but my ankle pretty much instantly swelled to the size of a Grade A USDA approved Extra Large free range egg.

On to the hospital where I learn it is not broken - just a bad sprain and I'm equipped with crutches, a splint and some drugs!

I'm going to try again in a few weeks... gotta get back on that horse. But next time, I should probably have at least a few peices of equipment. We'll see if I've learned anything :)