My brother and Tara did get engaged! I'm so excited and happy for both of them... and can't wait to see them in person to tell them. And give them both huge, teary hugs.
The campground is really struggling. We can't decide what to do or know what we can do. Last night, I had a brilliant idea. Well, brilliant for me. Start a pig farm! Start small - 2 mamas, which would likely = at least 14 babies eventually. I did a ton of internet research and picked the brains (ok, I think thats hail) of some experts and rain the numbers in a spreadsheet last night. That's right, I've got my master's, ya know. Well, I am guessing that we could make about $260 + 1/2 pig worth of pork in the 1st year. Not great numbers. The next year, if we kept 1 girl pig out of the litters, we could probably make about $1000 + 1/2 pig meat. Now we're starting to talk. 3rd year, we'd probably lose again, because now we need more space = more land, bigger fence. Anyway, basically I decided as much fun as it would be to be a pig farmer (and there is absolutely no sarcasm in that) it wouldn't save the campground (farm), so not this year.... but stay in touch.. there's no telling. I leave you with this photo:
From Gracie's point of view: Snack Time!
From Ashes point of view: Oh, shit!

1 comment:
Or you could breed rabbits for angora. And not have to kill anything! Can't wait to see your tears! Well, you know what I mean...
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