Eating: Mostly, I have been eating a lot of fruit. I find Mango to be delicious - even had mango juice and mango fruit as part of one meal - YUMMY!
One day, I ate Eggs Florentine, the next Eggs Benedict - I prefer florentine :-)
I ate a breakfast roll that had some sort of fruit in the middle - it was gross! Now I have to watch out for it :-)
Security here is amazing - every building has an armed guard. The Mall entrance has armed guards, metal detectors and metal detecting wands. Some entrances even have male/female entrances separated. Every street corner has police. There are at least 10 armed guards around the hotel and at least 3 dogs around the entrance as well. If you bring a bag in, there is a guard at the door with a stick to poke around in your bag (including purses).
The people are all very cheerful and nice. But, I think they only know how to say Good Morning, Good Day, Good afternoon. And "table for one?". Everyone in the hotel smiles and greets you as you exit the building and as you enter the building. There is always someone at the elevators to hold the door and even sometimes push the floor button for you.
McDonalds for lunch today - Big Mac and Fries are the same her as in the US.
Everyday, I get fresh fruit. There have been bananas, oranges, and apples.

Mangoes are full packed with vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants and contain like all fruits very few proteins, fats and calories.
Mangoes are perfect to replenish salts, vitamins and energy after physical exercise.
The famous Unani physician Hakeen Hashmi teaches that mangoes strengthens and invigorates the nerve tissues in muscles, heart and brain and other parts of the body.
The enzymes of the Mango, such as magneferin, katechol oxidase and lactase, clean the bowel of the "filth" within and are an ideal antidote for all toxic effects inside the body. They provide also sufficient resistance to fight any germs and afflictions.
Hartwell claims in his book "Plants Against Cancer," that the phenols in mangoes, have healing and cancer-preventing capacities. In gall bladder cancer a protective effect of mango consume has been proven (Pandey).
Mangos contain also a lot of tryptophan, the precursor of the "happiness-hormone" serotonin.
well you have made my day again I waited all day to read about the adventure and the food I found all the info on the mango very interesting and have now placed it on my shopping list. I am glad we figured out the gender of the name and am looking forward to the next chapter of the adventure. Thank you both for this LUV U GRAMS
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