1) An old acquaintance found me and exacted revenge for an imagined offense by cutting off all of my fingers, and I've just now learned how to accurately control the prosthetic digits. Luckily I apologized and we worked everything out and are going to get together for a movie or coffee next week.
2) I got wrapped up in a drama involving the Dalai Lama, China, and oddly, Colin Farrell. China is overdramatic and sometime the Dalai Lama refuses to speak. Colin was just upset because he felt like the theatrics of the other two were overshadowing his beauty. I convinced him this could never be true.
3) I was hired by several Off-Off-Broadway theatre houses to improve their current schedule. This required flights to NY and Turkey City, Ohio. I've just now gotten over the terrible jetlag of traveling across two time zones.
4) I am a lazy sack.
Sadly, I've had plenty to blog about. Mom and dad got into town last week - it's been nice to have company and fun watching Beppo and Baby (their puppy) play. Here's a picture of the bookends being princesses.
And just Baby:
We've started working on the pool - there will be many many more hours of scraping before we paint. Hopefully the pool will be painted and ready to fill by mid-May.
We had a tree guy come out and trim a tree. He shimmied right up the tree thanks to some handy spike-shoes and a rope. I'm looking on eBay to buy myself these tools, because he made it look really easy. I wanna try. Plus I can add that to my resume, save the campground some moola and maybe start doing that in the spare time.
Cable finally was trenched and replaced yesterday evening. That was a big stress, but it seems like it's all going to work out. I got to play in some big boy toys- a skid loader and a trenching machine and was thoroughly dirty. I love my job some days. Seriously!
I've gotten to mow and spray for weeds a couple of times this year, which is delightful. I feel like my routine from last summer is coming back and I'm glad. Weather is turning, I'm walking and life is good here.
I hope life is good in your corner.
I've had this itch lately to get another dog. I'm sure htat part of itis that i feel Dizzy is at a peak age where she is still very lively but very well behaved. Your pictures only made me want a new pup more. I fel tfunny baout it and then I remembered your ominous suggestion, "You need to get another dog for her to teach the chomping ot before she dies..." Anyhow, as if this weren't long enough-looking forward to the end of May when we'll get to se the fruits of your labor, and hopefully the spikes on your shoes!
Welcome back Ms Blogger. Missed ya although I have had the honor of seeing your antics first hand. Reading them still seems a lot more interesting. Hmmmm could it be that you make this stuff up?
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