Ok so this morning...well, it's been ok. I've been feeling a little down - focusing on some negative aspects of my life that I can have the tendency to focus on - I try not to type about these aspects here for a couple of reasons. I like to try to keep this blog light and entertaining while maintaining a strong sincerity. I want this to be something I can read back over and smile - not go, oh, yeah - that day was pretty shitty. Also, I'm protecting you, Dear Reader. The negative aspects of my life are also notoriously boring. Like ridiculously. So anyway, that's what I've been doing - I slept really late (still recovering from pretending to be young on Friday night!), on the couch no less and made plans for lunch, but other than that, just analyzing and thinking - which I've learned is not a productive way for me to act. So anyway, I'm looking out the window and a male cardinal comes and sits on a cable wire less than a foot away from the window and just stares back.

This strikes me for a couple of reasons:
• Last night when I couldn’t sleep because I was *ahem* thinking too much (see a pattern?) I cruised Netflix’s instant videos and found a boring documentary on birds – it worked. I feel asleep.
• Bright red? What does that mean? Blood? Stop?
• He stared back – seriously. Then flew away.
Then guess what landed on the wire – a female cardinal, she didn’t stay as long – she was clearly chasing. She flew the same direction as her man. A girl chasing a boy.
Anyway – this blog clearly demonstrates that I am a little superstitious as well as over-analytical. To the sender of the cardinal: you don’t have to hit me with a 2x4 to show me something. And I’m trying.
Now – I’m not dumb – I know that the cardinal probably means nothing except that it’s spring and time for birds to lay eggs in the carport. But …. What if?
What would the cardinal have meant to you this morning if he (and then she) had landed in front of you window?
Well,now let me see. It would have showed me that this morning is a Wonderful,Sunny,Bright,Slightly Breezy spring like morning and the birds have come out to say HELLO-- Now that I have finished that BS. i really don't have the foggest idea what it means...But get out and do something you enjoy today or stay in and do something that you enjoy either way have a GREAT DAY..LUV U GRAMS
Maintaining a strong sincerity woud necessitate relaying negative feelings from time to time-unless you're a robot. :)
That's what a cardinal would've meant to you, Tara? Weird. :)
Here's what it means: Cardinals are red and black. Georgia is red and black. Georgia wins the 2008 National Championship in football. I rejoice.
To keep with with the whole honesty thing-when I see birds that seem to be paying attention to me, I usually think it's my Dad saying hello. I have a weird magical-spiritual belief that I can still feel his presence in birds. So there.
Tara - thanks for the truth - it's a very sweet thought. No jokes here.
Wow - Dan's answer is interesting - but I love Tara's answer. My answer is he told her - "hey come look at the human who is stuck in the cage."
Is it a cage if there are no bars? Or does a bird (even one great enough to be red and black) know that a cage could be as clear as Hannibal's cell walls - hmmm - I comment on nothing important - but I like all the answers :-)
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