This is the snow prior to plowing - official measurement as of 10:00 this morning was 7".
And here is the wall of snow that I created after shoveling the snow.
Beppo loves the snow - I've been training her to stay with me, even if she doesn't have to. So she has a long cord on and right here she's tethered to the swing, but soon we untethered her and went for a jog on the new snow. I think her favorite thing is to be able to put her paw-prints in the snow first!
This is my failed attempt at making a snow angel. Beppo was jumping up and down and all around me the second I laid down. So this is what a dead snow angel looks like.
Anyway - today is a good day for chili and cornbread so that's what will be in my slow-cooker all day today - you are all invited to partake with me if you can get here by 6!
Now on to a completely different subject. I recently watched Rent and was completely unimpressed and wondered if I have been so spoiled by Grease that I would never like another musical. And Mary Poppins. And The Sound of Music. And Hair! But this morning I've been watching Across the Universe which is a musical made completely of Beatles songs - and I'm delighted. I'm biased, but it's great. :)
Just thought you might like to know - it is supposed to be sunny and 70s here. the ground is white with sand though :-)
Did ya get a little snow? Rent - aw yeah it could ruin you to musicals. Just to get rid of the taste it left, I watched the Sound of Music, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers, GiGi and An American in Paris. It worked I totally forgot about about Rent - until you brought it up - guess it is back to AMC for me.
I've never seen Rent but will definitely avoid it now! The snow is sooooo pretty. I want some!
Bragging about warm temperatures and the fact that you've never sat through Rent does not make friends.
Ok so you have snow to shovel and we have our own kind of white stuff here and only have to wait for the WIND to clear it away..
now about the movie just to show how far out of the present I am I still think of RENT as something you pay the first of every month.
I was a stand in for Anthony Rapp once, star of Broadway and film. You might know him from RENT (starring in both stage and screen).
Also, the only good snow angels, are dead snow angels.
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