So apparently I had a very vivid dream last night in which my mom (Master Quilter) told me that the next step was to wash my squares. In reality she said no such thing - but this morning I thought "that couldn't have been a dream" and threw my squares in the wash - only to pull them out fairly frayed. We're (my mouse and I) going to try to salvage it. Hopefully Molly (or dog) doesn't care.
Today is LJ's last day at work!! She's quitting to devote her life to her dream job. What's her dream job you ask? Either shrimpin' boat cap'n or freelance journalist. You decide. YAY, LAURA!
It's already 51 degrees here and only 12:31 - YAY, SPRING!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
well, what have we here
So I usually stay up this late, but usually it's reading... not being productive - but tonight I was productive. I pieced together 36 squares for the new quilt - it will either be a dog bed or a Molly blanket depending on who's more appreciative (Since Molly can't read this blog, I think a dog may be more appreciative at this point).
Here is a picture of the quilt at this stage - ignore the mess my house is - I've become completely obsessive about this quilt right now...
Here is a picture of the quilt at this stage - ignore the mess my house is - I've become completely obsessive about this quilt right now...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
... am having a really good hair day!!
... detest the fact that Mariah Carey has any sort of career in Entertainment. Her new song mentions YouTube. And while that may be culturally relevant, I don't want it.
... didn't bowl too horribly last night. And I made my team laugh a lot. All I can tell you is that most of the jokes involved Montell Williams, Las Vegas and a catch phrase. I would tell you more, but if I ever become a stand-up comedian, the joke is going in my act and I certainly want you to laugh.
... want a Jeep of my own!
... finished Brooke's afghan today. I think I'm going to try quilting as my next craft project. My craftiness is also functional. I could warm the world!
... (speaking of warming the world) can't wait until Spring.
... detest the fact that Mariah Carey has any sort of career in Entertainment. Her new song mentions YouTube. And while that may be culturally relevant, I don't want it.
... didn't bowl too horribly last night. And I made my team laugh a lot. All I can tell you is that most of the jokes involved Montell Williams, Las Vegas and a catch phrase. I would tell you more, but if I ever become a stand-up comedian, the joke is going in my act and I certainly want you to laugh.
... want a Jeep of my own!
... finished Brooke's afghan today. I think I'm going to try quilting as my next craft project. My craftiness is also functional. I could warm the world!
... (speaking of warming the world) can't wait until Spring.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
blogger on tv?
Oh, yeah - and tonight apparently there is a TV show coming on called Quarterlife... and i think it's about a blogger - I'm gonna try to record it, but maybe you should watch if you can. Might show you what a blog is supposed to have...
TOTO! Where are you!?
Today it was so windy...
Shut up, and I'll tell you. Today it was so windy that it blew down some of the remaining limbs from the ice storm. We still will have to have a crew come out, don't get me wrong... but still. Toto could've blown to Oz today.
Shut up, and I'll tell you. Today it was so windy that it blew down some of the remaining limbs from the ice storm. We still will have to have a crew come out, don't get me wrong... but still. Toto could've blown to Oz today.
Monday, February 25, 2008
This rain is wet!
And that ice is slippery.
At bowling last week, I discovered something fantastic. The league information sheets that hang on the wall post things like average, high game, etc, etc...and are usually a point of real embarassment for me. But I learned last week through some sort secretarial error, my high game is posted as 196. Now... this is clearly false, but I ain't tellin'. I was told by Don - who is 108 years old if he is a day that if I bowl a turkey, he's giving me a kiss before I leave the bowling alley. Thusly, I bowled very badly. Not that I had to work at it, but I wasn't taking any risks. Oh! And Cy (team-member and partial owner of the bowling alley) gave me a ball! So now I have my own shoes and ball - granted it's one of the old public balls, but still!
We went 4-wheeling this weekend and had a really good time! It's about a 4 hour drive or so to ft. Scott, were this particular event was held and I passed the time in the car down by crocheting Brooke her blanket. She saw me working and asked if I would teach her how - I had extra stuff so I did. It was pretty typical - she lost interest fairly quickly after getting frustrated, much as I'm sure I did when I was ten, but it was pretty neat getting to teach somebody crafty stuff - I learned from my mom, who learned from her mom, and so on. I don't 'the point' to having kids. I don't know the 'right' answer to the question 'Why do you want to have kids?' I don't even think I want to have kids anymore, but it's nice and interesting to have a hand in someone learning something - it's pretty validating.
Anyway, the 4-wheeling went fine, but it was pretty icy, so there was a fair amount of stuff that we couldn't do - but I have some good pictures of the fun- see here. It was cooooooldd!
At bowling last week, I discovered something fantastic. The league information sheets that hang on the wall post things like average, high game, etc, etc...and are usually a point of real embarassment for me. But I learned last week through some sort secretarial error, my high game is posted as 196. Now... this is clearly false, but I ain't tellin'. I was told by Don - who is 108 years old if he is a day that if I bowl a turkey, he's giving me a kiss before I leave the bowling alley. Thusly, I bowled very badly. Not that I had to work at it, but I wasn't taking any risks. Oh! And Cy (team-member and partial owner of the bowling alley) gave me a ball! So now I have my own shoes and ball - granted it's one of the old public balls, but still!
We went 4-wheeling this weekend and had a really good time! It's about a 4 hour drive or so to ft. Scott, were this particular event was held and I passed the time in the car down by crocheting Brooke her blanket. She saw me working and asked if I would teach her how - I had extra stuff so I did. It was pretty typical - she lost interest fairly quickly after getting frustrated, much as I'm sure I did when I was ten, but it was pretty neat getting to teach somebody crafty stuff - I learned from my mom, who learned from her mom, and so on. I don't 'the point' to having kids. I don't know the 'right' answer to the question 'Why do you want to have kids?' I don't even think I want to have kids anymore, but it's nice and interesting to have a hand in someone learning something - it's pretty validating.
Anyway, the 4-wheeling went fine, but it was pretty icy, so there was a fair amount of stuff that we couldn't do - but I have some good pictures of the fun- see here. It was cooooooldd!
Monday, February 18, 2008
updates all around
Hiya all!
I hope you are all doing great - I'm going ok, myself!
So here's what's going on - My second job is going pretty good - and I know this won't mean anything to most of you, but I almost completed a booking on Saturday. Pretty big deal at
Yesterday, we had our first cookout of the year. Jeff bought some meat and potatoes and Leon smoked them up for us as we watched Nascar. I'm rooting for Kasey Kahne this year. Because he's my age and cute! Three things you should take from this update - it's as if we are WILLING spring to come by grilling out already this year. I'm kinda red-necky. I'm also very shallow when it comes to sports.
I finally finished knitting by far the biggest knitting project I've ever undertaken- I made Jeff a Queen-sized afghan. I call it hoboish, because of all the different colors, but I needed to use up as much yarn as I could. I still have oodles. Luckily, I already have another project in mind.. idle hands.

We got a third long-termer in the park and 1 weekender, so we were up to four campers for this weekend. The most we've had all year. I'm taking this as a clue that I should try to enjoy the slow-ness as much as possible, because it won't be long now...spring and summer and the masses (hopefully) will come.
This weekend Jeff and I and his kids are going to Ft. Scott, KS to do some major 4-wheeling. He recently bought bigger tires and a lift kit - which should definitely be installed by Friday. Pictures of the new monster mail-man truck will be here. Lessons from this paragraph. I enjoy being rednecky.
Mom and Grandma got new puppies - Lab mixes. Baby (Black and White) is Gracie's sister and Rocky is Lucky's brother.
I hope you are all doing great - I'm going ok, myself!
So here's what's going on - My second job is going pretty good - and I know this won't mean anything to most of you, but I almost completed a booking on Saturday. Pretty big deal at
Yesterday, we had our first cookout of the year. Jeff bought some meat and potatoes and Leon smoked them up for us as we watched Nascar. I'm rooting for Kasey Kahne this year. Because he's my age and cute! Three things you should take from this update - it's as if we are WILLING spring to come by grilling out already this year. I'm kinda red-necky. I'm also very shallow when it comes to sports.
I finally finished knitting by far the biggest knitting project I've ever undertaken- I made Jeff a Queen-sized afghan. I call it hoboish, because of all the different colors, but I needed to use up as much yarn as I could. I still have oodles. Luckily, I already have another project in mind.. idle hands.
We got a third long-termer in the park and 1 weekender, so we were up to four campers for this weekend. The most we've had all year. I'm taking this as a clue that I should try to enjoy the slow-ness as much as possible, because it won't be long now...spring and summer and the masses (hopefully) will come.
This weekend Jeff and I and his kids are going to Ft. Scott, KS to do some major 4-wheeling. He recently bought bigger tires and a lift kit - which should definitely be installed by Friday. Pictures of the new monster mail-man truck will be here. Lessons from this paragraph. I enjoy being rednecky.
Mom and Grandma got new puppies - Lab mixes. Baby (Black and White) is Gracie's sister and Rocky is Lucky's brother.

Saturday, February 9, 2008
As discussed
So recently (yesterday was my first day) I got a second job working at with my dad. First day went fine and all - I'm only working from 11-3 5 days a week, so it's not very taxing. Especially since a lot of the stuff I do in the summer (mowing for example) isn't happening right now, so I'm just sitting around a lot. The extra money will come in handy in buying a Jeep!
Anyway - here is a funny conversation that mom and I had XXX at XXX. Unfortunately, the XXX is going to censor a fair amount of this to keep XXX from reading something XXX shouldn't.
[XX:XX] Cassie: so... how you doing?
[XX:XX] MOM: ok - how are you doing?
[XX:XX] MOM: bored?
[XX:XX] Cassie: XXX
[XX:XX] Cassie: not really - but Daniel said I was XXXXX
[XX:XX] MOM: wow - what are you doing?
[XX:XX] MOM: you started early today?
[XX:XX] Cassie: this is why i XXXXX
[XX:XX] Cassie: nah - emails from 11-3
[XX:XX] MOM: I won't XXXX
[XX:XX] Cassie: lol
[XX:XX] MOM: those aren't bad hours even for summer
[XX:XX] Cassie: just don't XXXXX
[XX:XX] Cassie: yeah - we'll see how it goes
[XX:XX] Cassie: or maybe in the summer move to morning
[XX:XX] MOM: yeah really
[XX:XX] MOM: that would work good too
[XX:XX] Cassie: I suppose I will do XXXX
[XX:XX] MOM: ok :)
[XX:XX] MOM: XXX yourself
[XX:XX] Cassie: zactly
[XX:XX] Cassie: don't want XXXX
[XX:XX] MOM: yup
[XX:XX] Cassie: at one point - Daniel was like "I think my dad is working on it... jprobably with your dad."
[XX:XX] Cassie: pretty funny
[XX:XX] MOM: you guys could go on the new show
[XX:XX] Cassie: show?
[XX:XX] MOM: My Dad is Better than you Dad
[XX:XX] Cassie: lol
[XX:XX] Cassie: I would win
[XX:XX] Cassie: hands down
[XX:XX] MOM: I don't know his dad was an Officer in the AF - yours was just enlisted
[XX:XX] Cassie: some would say that makes him tougher
[XX:XX] MOM: true
[XX:XX] Cassie: hang on - gotta make a call
[XX:XX] Cassie: back
[XX:XX] Cassie: easy call :)
[XX:XX] MOM: short call
[XX:XX] MOM: cool
[XX:XX] Cassie: yeah - they don't carry the prop anymore
[XX:XX] MOM: oh
[XX:XX] MOM: so has the new phone rang yet?
[XX:XX] MOM: did you get confused on answering it?
[XX:XX] MOM: Covered ... Cassie with Rooster Wagon?
[XX:XX] Cassie: it has rang only once - when daniel said take it off Do not disturb, then called
[XX:XX] Cassie: yeah - it might be tough
[XX:XX] MOM: Just answer them all this is Cassie
[XX:XX] MOM: then figure out which one you have in your hand
[XX:XX] Cassie: or answer with "Say words"
[XX:XX] MOM: lol
[XX:XX] MOM: Speak!!
[XX:XX] Cassie: then i will sound really busy
[XX:XX] MOM: Ya got me whacha want ?
[XX:XX] Cassie: I love my bro
[XX:XX] MOM: what's up with him?
[XX:XX] Cassie: he left a cute comment on my blog
[XX:XX] MOM: oh - I will have to go look
[XX:XX] MOM: ok - ya think he was really a stand in for him or Mike is just up to his same old b-o-l-o-g-n-a?
[XX:XX] Cassie: he was - in the Road Trip movei
[XX:XX] Cassie: he was that professor's annoying suck up
[XX:XX] MOM: oh I thought he stood in for the other guy in that
[XX:XX] MOM: ok
[XX:XX] Cassie: kinda funny that mike would have any sort of connection to that guy from a movie we hated :)
[XX:XX] MOM: neither movie was really very good tho :)
[XX:XX] Cassie: true
[XX:XX] MOM: hmmmm you think it was Mike's fault????
[XX:XX] Cassie: was he involved with Rent?
[XX:XX] MOM: no but I guess the actor was
[XX:XX] MOM: :)
[XX:XX] Cassie: I guess we can't blame Rent on Mike tho
[XX:XX] MOM: oh ok
[XX:XX] MOM: just checking
[XX:XX] Cassie: phew!
[XX:XX] Cassie: although if we could - we could just ask mike to leave Hollywood behind and then start to enjoy musicals again
[XX:XX] Cassie: Maybe we should ask him this anyway
[XX:XX] MOM: yeah really lol
[XX:XX] Cassie: I'm putting this entire conversation in my blog comments
[XX:XX] MOM: you can't
[XX:XX] MOM: you will give away the fact that XXXX
[XX:XX] Cassie: lol
[XX:XX] Cassie: oh, hmm...
[XX:XX] Cassie: dang I have measure my concern for job v. love for blog
[XX:XX] MOM: would be a funny blog
[XX:XX] Cassie: maybe I'll just put the part from when we started to talk about Mike
[XX:XX] MOM: but easily analyzed by your followers - we could be letting the kitties out of the bag
[XX:XX] Cassie: until before you said anything about me XXX
Also, yesterday I rented a game call Second Opinion for the Wii. The good news is it trains you to be a helluva doctor. The bad news is you can only operate on XXX.
I wonder why that has to be censored. XXX. XXX. Weird.
So recently (yesterday was my first day) I got a second job working at with my dad. First day went fine and all - I'm only working from 11-3 5 days a week, so it's not very taxing. Especially since a lot of the stuff I do in the summer (mowing for example) isn't happening right now, so I'm just sitting around a lot. The extra money will come in handy in buying a Jeep!
Anyway - here is a funny conversation that mom and I had XXX at XXX. Unfortunately, the XXX is going to censor a fair amount of this to keep XXX from reading something XXX shouldn't.
[XX:XX] Cassie: so... how you doing?
[XX:XX] MOM: ok - how are you doing?
[XX:XX] MOM: bored?
[XX:XX] Cassie: XXX
[XX:XX] Cassie: not really - but Daniel said I was XXXXX
[XX:XX] MOM: wow - what are you doing?
[XX:XX] MOM: you started early today?
[XX:XX] Cassie: this is why i XXXXX
[XX:XX] Cassie: nah - emails from 11-3
[XX:XX] MOM: I won't XXXX
[XX:XX] Cassie: lol
[XX:XX] MOM: those aren't bad hours even for summer
[XX:XX] Cassie: just don't XXXXX
[XX:XX] Cassie: yeah - we'll see how it goes
[XX:XX] Cassie: or maybe in the summer move to morning
[XX:XX] MOM: yeah really
[XX:XX] MOM: that would work good too
[XX:XX] Cassie: I suppose I will do XXXX
[XX:XX] MOM: ok :)
[XX:XX] MOM: XXX yourself
[XX:XX] Cassie: zactly
[XX:XX] Cassie: don't want XXXX
[XX:XX] MOM: yup
[XX:XX] Cassie: at one point - Daniel was like "I think my dad is working on it... jprobably with your dad."
[XX:XX] Cassie: pretty funny
[XX:XX] MOM: you guys could go on the new show
[XX:XX] Cassie: show?
[XX:XX] MOM: My Dad is Better than you Dad
[XX:XX] Cassie: lol
[XX:XX] Cassie: I would win
[XX:XX] Cassie: hands down
[XX:XX] MOM: I don't know his dad was an Officer in the AF - yours was just enlisted
[XX:XX] Cassie: some would say that makes him tougher
[XX:XX] MOM: true
[XX:XX] Cassie: hang on - gotta make a call
[XX:XX] Cassie: back
[XX:XX] Cassie: easy call :)
[XX:XX] MOM: short call
[XX:XX] MOM: cool
[XX:XX] Cassie: yeah - they don't carry the prop anymore
[XX:XX] MOM: oh
[XX:XX] MOM: so has the new phone rang yet?
[XX:XX] MOM: did you get confused on answering it?
[XX:XX] MOM: Covered ... Cassie with Rooster Wagon?
[XX:XX] Cassie: it has rang only once - when daniel said take it off Do not disturb, then called
[XX:XX] Cassie: yeah - it might be tough
[XX:XX] MOM: Just answer them all this is Cassie
[XX:XX] MOM: then figure out which one you have in your hand
[XX:XX] Cassie: or answer with "Say words"
[XX:XX] MOM: lol
[XX:XX] MOM: Speak!!
[XX:XX] Cassie: then i will sound really busy
[XX:XX] MOM: Ya got me whacha want ?
[XX:XX] Cassie: I love my bro
[XX:XX] MOM: what's up with him?
[XX:XX] Cassie: he left a cute comment on my blog
[XX:XX] MOM: oh - I will have to go look
[XX:XX] MOM: ok - ya think he was really a stand in for him or Mike is just up to his same old b-o-l-o-g-n-a?
[XX:XX] Cassie: he was - in the Road Trip movei
[XX:XX] Cassie: he was that professor's annoying suck up
[XX:XX] MOM: oh I thought he stood in for the other guy in that
[XX:XX] MOM: ok
[XX:XX] Cassie: kinda funny that mike would have any sort of connection to that guy from a movie we hated :)
[XX:XX] MOM: neither movie was really very good tho :)
[XX:XX] Cassie: true
[XX:XX] MOM: hmmmm you think it was Mike's fault????
[XX:XX] Cassie: was he involved with Rent?
[XX:XX] MOM: no but I guess the actor was
[XX:XX] MOM: :)
[XX:XX] Cassie: I guess we can't blame Rent on Mike tho
[XX:XX] MOM: oh ok
[XX:XX] MOM: just checking
[XX:XX] Cassie: phew!
[XX:XX] Cassie: although if we could - we could just ask mike to leave Hollywood behind and then start to enjoy musicals again
[XX:XX] Cassie: Maybe we should ask him this anyway
[XX:XX] MOM: yeah really lol
[XX:XX] Cassie: I'm putting this entire conversation in my blog comments
[XX:XX] MOM: you can't
[XX:XX] MOM: you will give away the fact that XXXX
[XX:XX] Cassie: lol
[XX:XX] Cassie: oh, hmm...
[XX:XX] Cassie: dang I have measure my concern for job v. love for blog
[XX:XX] MOM: would be a funny blog
[XX:XX] Cassie: maybe I'll just put the part from when we started to talk about Mike
[XX:XX] MOM: but easily analyzed by your followers - we could be letting the kitties out of the bag
[XX:XX] Cassie: until before you said anything about me XXX
Also, yesterday I rented a game call Second Opinion for the Wii. The good news is it trains you to be a helluva doctor. The bad news is you can only operate on XXX.
I wonder why that has to be censored. XXX. XXX. Weird.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
And a video blog to accompany the snow we got last night - or there would be - but I've been trying to upload it for literally an hour and no luck - so there will be no video today. But it was really boring anyway - I talked about my layers - 3 on top, 2 on bottom - needed to keep warm when it's 14 degrees outside. I also talked about the fact that Beppo (who weighs 71 pounds) trampled me while I tried to make a snow angel. That was about it.
This is the snow prior to plowing - official measurement as of 10:00 this morning was 7".

And here is the wall of snow that I created after shoveling the snow.

Beppo loves the snow - I've been training her to stay with me, even if she doesn't have to. So she has a long cord on and right here she's tethered to the swing, but soon we untethered her and went for a jog on the new snow. I think her favorite thing is to be able to put her paw-prints in the snow first!

This is my failed attempt at making a snow angel. Beppo was jumping up and down and all around me the second I laid down. So this is what a dead snow angel looks like.

Anyway - today is a good day for chili and cornbread so that's what will be in my slow-cooker all day today - you are all invited to partake with me if you can get here by 6!
Now on to a completely different subject. I recently watched Rent and was completely unimpressed and wondered if I have been so spoiled by Grease that I would never like another musical. And Mary Poppins. And The Sound of Music. And Hair! But this morning I've been watching Across the Universe which is a musical made completely of Beatles songs - and I'm delighted. I'm biased, but it's great. :)
This is the snow prior to plowing - official measurement as of 10:00 this morning was 7".
And here is the wall of snow that I created after shoveling the snow.
Beppo loves the snow - I've been training her to stay with me, even if she doesn't have to. So she has a long cord on and right here she's tethered to the swing, but soon we untethered her and went for a jog on the new snow. I think her favorite thing is to be able to put her paw-prints in the snow first!
This is my failed attempt at making a snow angel. Beppo was jumping up and down and all around me the second I laid down. So this is what a dead snow angel looks like.
Anyway - today is a good day for chili and cornbread so that's what will be in my slow-cooker all day today - you are all invited to partake with me if you can get here by 6!
Now on to a completely different subject. I recently watched Rent and was completely unimpressed and wondered if I have been so spoiled by Grease that I would never like another musical. And Mary Poppins. And The Sound of Music. And Hair! But this morning I've been watching Across the Universe which is a musical made completely of Beatles songs - and I'm delighted. I'm biased, but it's great. :)
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Did you boat?
Did you vote, I mean?
Yeah, me neither.
No seriously - I didn't because, well, it was wildly inconvenient for me to vote - and in fact I should have because we had an actual caucus here in Kansas for DEMOCRATS, and I was talking to my dad about how I wish I could participate in the Iowa caucuses - and well, we all know Kansas is second only to Iowa in caucus power, but I digress. Bowling was canceled here because of snow and ice - and the caucusing would've happened without my participation had the weather been good because of bowling. But bowling was canceled so I thought - hey, should I caucus?! But then I realized if the roads are bad enough to cancel a 2 mile drive to the bowling alley, I shouldn't drive 25 miles on back roads to caucus...I wish I had though - this blog would be way cooler!
So... in an effort to improve the quality of this blog: this is hilarious. And only a prank. So don't cry, Dan Judy. Big boys don't cry and you are G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S. Flossy, flossy!
Yeah, me neither.
No seriously - I didn't because, well, it was wildly inconvenient for me to vote - and in fact I should have because we had an actual caucus here in Kansas for DEMOCRATS, and I was talking to my dad about how I wish I could participate in the Iowa caucuses - and well, we all know Kansas is second only to Iowa in caucus power, but I digress. Bowling was canceled here because of snow and ice - and the caucusing would've happened without my participation had the weather been good because of bowling. But bowling was canceled so I thought - hey, should I caucus?! But then I realized if the roads are bad enough to cancel a 2 mile drive to the bowling alley, I shouldn't drive 25 miles on back roads to caucus...I wish I had though - this blog would be way cooler!
So... in an effort to improve the quality of this blog: this is hilarious. And only a prank. So don't cry, Dan Judy. Big boys don't cry and you are G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S. Flossy, flossy!
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