Let's see - another busy week down - a couple of strange things and a couple of funnies.
So on Wednesday we had some bad bad winds... literally blew a tree over. Twigs and branches are still falling now and the clean-up is no fun. But it is kinda satisfying. Look at the pile (this was at about the halfway mark) and the tree! The tree was cut by Jeff's chainsaw and then Jeff's dump truck took away my satisfying pile.
That night was bowling. I'm on a 9-pin bowling team. So the point of 9-pin is that if you can knock down 9, it counts as a strike. So scores should be inflated. How's this for depressing - I bowled a 105, a 96 and a 103. I stand by that I was just setting my average so that at the end of the season, I can get a prize. According to my teammates however, there will be no prizes. I'm holding out hope.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday were pretty normal - cleaning up branches and cleaning the pool. Thursday night however, something interesting did happen here. Larry, one of our Harley riders here in town had two friends come in. And they gave an impromtu blues concert using my guitar. It was quite literally the best my guitar has ever sounded. Some would say it was better than TV. Brooke (Jeff's daughter) was hanging out with me for a girls' night and when Larry said it was better than TV, Brooke said "I don't know, I really like TV." That was classic and fantastic. She and I still enjoyed the concert as thrown by Shotgun and it was a pretty fun night.
Friday, I did ride in the backhoe again - this time in the bucket while Rod drove. He lifted it up and it was like being on an elephant! I would guess...
Saturday on my walk, something strange happened - a woman, maybe mid 50s, who appears to be doing just fine on her porch visiting with presumably family, comes up to me at a little gallop, I remove my headphones in time to hear her. The conversation is below:
Setting: Corner of 4th and Cedar
Strange Lady
Cassie, an awkward girl
Strange Lady: Hi, Baby girl!! How are you?!
Cassie: Uh, fine. How are you?
Strange Lady: Doin' real, real good! What've you been up to?
Cassie: Just walking...what've you been up to?
Strange Lady: Oh, just visiting with my grandkids, you know?
Gesticulates wildly toward the staring people on the porch.
Cassie: Have we met before?
Strange Lady: Oh, sure! Here or somewhere.
Gesticulates wildly toward Cedar Street.
Strange Lady: Well have a good walk!
Cassie: (awkwardly) Thanks...
Headphones safely back in her ears, Cassie tries not to run.
The End
Yesterday I went fishing for probably the 3rd or 4th time in my life - probably only the second time with an actual hook and bait. I went fishing while Grandma and Grandpa lived on Lake of the Ozarks, but Grandpa told me that if I caught anything, I would have to clean it - hence fishing without a hook. I wasn't going to take that chance! Anyway, I actually caught something, a pretty little blue gill, about the size of my hand. I threw it back and hopefully the hole in his nose heals quickly!
Anyway - bowling again on Wednesday, hopefully I start to show that I was indeed hustling! Good Lord! I need to blog more often so these things don't go on so long!
I guess cleaning up that little ole tree took what - 10 minutes? tell us when REAL tree falls. By the way - did it make a sound?
It's okay Baby Girl, don't let the bad dad pick on ya! MomCASSmy
THANK YOU - So now you are a BABY GIRL to a strange LADY that is not Grama Rae - this time fishing sounds good... tree falling can really cause you a big head ache...
been there done that..I hope for the sake of teasing you do not bowl toooooo good this week they will cay you were SANDBAGGING (NOT FOR THE RAIN).. Have another great week LUV U GRAMs
Blogging for any one's sake!!! It makes me think of the ad for the sleep aid when the dreams wait for the guy!!! That is how we wait for the BLOG...
Glad you are back!
Love ya
Aunt Sandi
Glad the tree missed you!
Bowling a low score actually is a really good strategy (even if it's accidental). I called someone baby girl just a week or two ago and she was probably only a year or two younger than me. Because she was making comments about how I need to eat carbs (I may be slim , but I'm no Nicole Ritchie-thank God)I felt it wajsustifiable to call her baby in conjunction with girl.
It sounds like the old lady was on drugs and feeding them to her grandkids! She didn't offer you any candy, did she? My favorite part of your blog is the recurring character of "Cassie, an awkward girl."
There actually was a snap when it fell... but that may be only b/c I was around to hear it.
Cassie, an awkward girl, is one of my favorite parts of the blog. She will be making an appearance in today's entry, no doubt.
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