Friday, June 29, 2007
Oh.. and zucchini!
I literally have 9 large zucchinis sitting in my kitchen thanks to the Markleys - I've got zucchini bread cooling now, I've had salads, I'm going to try a recipe for zucchini pancakes - anything else?
mustard... mayo... catch up!
Let's see - I did the wheat thing - and blogged appropriately, so we get to play catch up from Wednesday! And we have to explain cryptic Aunt Sandi! :)
Wednesday was bowling. My average this week before bowling was 120- and that seems just about perfect - I bowled 125,115,122. So at least the average seems fair. Unfortunately it cannot possibly make daddy proud. But the team we bowled against - one guy bowled a perfect game (in 9-pin world)! And our team beat his team - without even considering our handicap one game. So we are good as a team. But I could've told you that before.
Yesterday, I mostly recovered and enjoyed a little rain. Recovery was necessary because with a built-in DD, bowling becomes more fun than most weeknights - and then a recovery day is good.
Last night Beppo and Vixie were fascinated by something in the bushes in the yard. So fascinated in fact that they were ignoring my bribe of treats. And Beppo and Vixie usually think treats are the greatest thing EVER! So this morning when I could see, I went looking myself. And found a large rabbit with a broken neck. There really is only one explanation. Vixie is vicious. I wouldn't funk with her ladies and gents! She'd break your neck just as soon look at ya. So a quick call to the right hand guy so one person can lift Bugs and the other can hold the garbage bag open and problem solved. Except that trash was picked up yesterday. So I'm thinking that there will be a rotting carcass in my trash until Monday that cats, etc will pick through. Until....
The trash company came today and replaced our dumpster!!! Big news in these parts. Apparently Rod told them we were pricing other companies since they wouldn't replace our old crappy one. :) Knowing influential people is so crucial. So no rotting bunny and the new dumpster is bigger than the old- which helps with the next point.
Today the gypsies started coming back. Should be interesting - there are a lot more of them this time around!! Plenty of garbage will be made - now just to keep the paint and tar out of it!
Tonight will probably be mellow. Mellow is a good descriptive word to use in place of 'lame'.
Now to explain Aunt Sandi's comment "Please NO sky diving." Since last year I've been talking about going sky-diving with Jeff and I'm afraid (terrified really) that I think we're going to do it this summer. Now - obviously will we do research and do this safely - but realize that this blog was fairly boring. And if I don't do things occasionally (ride elephants, harvest wheat, skydive) all the entries will be this boring. Does anyone really want that??
Love to all!
Wednesday was bowling. My average this week before bowling was 120- and that seems just about perfect - I bowled 125,115,122. So at least the average seems fair. Unfortunately it cannot possibly make daddy proud. But the team we bowled against - one guy bowled a perfect game (in 9-pin world)! And our team beat his team - without even considering our handicap one game. So we are good as a team. But I could've told you that before.
Yesterday, I mostly recovered and enjoyed a little rain. Recovery was necessary because with a built-in DD, bowling becomes more fun than most weeknights - and then a recovery day is good.
Last night Beppo and Vixie were fascinated by something in the bushes in the yard. So fascinated in fact that they were ignoring my bribe of treats. And Beppo and Vixie usually think treats are the greatest thing EVER! So this morning when I could see, I went looking myself. And found a large rabbit with a broken neck. There really is only one explanation. Vixie is vicious. I wouldn't funk with her ladies and gents! She'd break your neck just as soon look at ya. So a quick call to the right hand guy so one person can lift Bugs and the other can hold the garbage bag open and problem solved. Except that trash was picked up yesterday. So I'm thinking that there will be a rotting carcass in my trash until Monday that cats, etc will pick through. Until....
The trash company came today and replaced our dumpster!!! Big news in these parts. Apparently Rod told them we were pricing other companies since they wouldn't replace our old crappy one. :) Knowing influential people is so crucial. So no rotting bunny and the new dumpster is bigger than the old- which helps with the next point.
Today the gypsies started coming back. Should be interesting - there are a lot more of them this time around!! Plenty of garbage will be made - now just to keep the paint and tar out of it!
Tonight will probably be mellow. Mellow is a good descriptive word to use in place of 'lame'.
Now to explain Aunt Sandi's comment "Please NO sky diving." Since last year I've been talking about going sky-diving with Jeff and I'm afraid (terrified really) that I think we're going to do it this summer. Now - obviously will we do research and do this safely - but realize that this blog was fairly boring. And if I don't do things occasionally (ride elephants, harvest wheat, skydive) all the entries will be this boring. Does anyone really want that??
Love to all!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I think I figured something out...
Ok - so this is going to sound cheesy, but I think I may have figured something out last night. I went and hauled wheat again (This time I have a picture of my semi!) and I was thinking on and on about what I'm supposed to do with my life - some people seem to have it generally figured out and I'm really jealous of them. And then I thought - maybe I'm not supposed to have my whole life path figured out right now - maybe I would be unhappy if that were the case. So I will do what makes me most happy from day to day, year to year. And today, this year, the campground is much more satisfying that any job I've had in the past!! I can stop worrying and thinking and just enjoy it until I don't anymore! It's a relief!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Farmer in the dell...
....0r how about "roll on highway..."?
Yesterday, I was a truck driver and a farmer! And a campground manager! And a Deputy! And a chef! Wow...what a day.
So the day until about 7:00 was pretty normal - I was a campground manager (and deputy, obviously. That distinction doesn't just go away.) And I baked a yummy cake - hence the chef. Then about 7, Jeff called and said he was at the grain elevator and he could pick me up if I still wanted to go cut wheat with him and the farmer. Well, yeah! So he drove to the park in Sam Zook's truck and picked me up. Riding in a semi, you feel pretty important. I'm not a girlie girl, unless you are classifying a girlie girl but the numbers of lotions she has, but I imagine that's what it feels like to be the Queen in a parade! It was really cool! In the truck, Jeff let me untarp the wheat , release the air brakes and blow the horn. You know when I have that stupid grin? Well - I grinned like that for pretty much the whole time. So when we got to the farm (which is just a couple of miles outside of town), Sam Zook's wife had brought supper :) Just like in Little House on the Prairie, but in a Toyota. She hadn't counted on me, but it was ok, because for one I was too excited to eat (I probably would've thrown up) and for two it was tuna sandwiches, yuck! After we ate, we drove a small load back in to town (where I got to talk to the people on the scale at the elevator), then back to the wheat cutting. When we got to the field where Sam was driving him combine and cutting wheat he asked if I wanted to ride with him. Uh, yah! So I rode in the combine. There are two seats, it's got a radio and an air conditioner and you sit about as high as you do in the semi. The combine blade was 25' wide and it kinda works like a electric razor for shaving dad's head. Except that it shuffles the cut stuff from 25' to a 4' opening then it goes in and separates the actual grain from everything else, then it spits the crap out in a line and another machine comes and bales it all up for bedding for cattle. All the grain is stored in a bin that is about 1/3 of what the truck can hold. So once it is full, he dumps it into another bin while driving - the two machines go parallel to one another and the auger from the combine empties it into the next bin, while driving. Did I say while driving? It's like a mid-air fueling on Air Force one! :) So then that 'middle man bin' gets driven to the semi - and augered into there. At one point the 'crap shoot' (HA!) on Sam's combine got clogged and I had to help him pull the stems and weeds out. :) So we did about 17 acres in about an hour and a half with the 25' combine. Then we were done with that section and the truck was about 2/3 full. So we (Jeff and I) had to take it to the elevator. He let me help to open the chutes on the bottom of the truck and you would not believe the dust cloud that came from dumping! You know black lung? I think we both had white lung! Then back to the farm and call it a day (on the way there, Jeff let me pull the air horn!) - it was about 10:30 before we were home and they are cutting wheat again this afternoon. I will have to pass, because my other hats have to be worn, but it was pretty exciting.
I think there is a massive disconnect (at least with me) between what I chose in college and what I really want to do day to day. I mean how am I supposed to know I don't want to be a farmer without seeing and trying it? But you have to pick and you have to pick relatively fast it seems to me looking back know. I just know I didn't like sitting in a cube. At first I thought it was cool, but probably within a couple of months I would've said I like the people I work with but not my job. I just wish there was such a thing as career camp. This is something I invented in my head last week - although something like it probably exists, because it's not that creative. There should be a camp (and at this age, I think it should be open to all ages) that lets you test careers. I definitely have an aptitude for computers - I'm not going to sell myself short and say that I don't have that skill. And I even enjoy them to a degree. But does that mean I have to spend the rest of my life with them? I don't want to be a farmer, or even a truck driver. But doing something different? And learning how the wheat was cut was really really cool. It was something I could've read, but instead got to do. I guess that's the point of all this. I want to DO stuff. I want to LEARN stuff (preferably without student loans!) I guess I have to surround myself with nice people who know way more than me and will show me. :) Anyone know a career where I can do this?
Love you all!
-Farmer, Deputy, Marketer, Manager, Chef, Student Cassie
Yesterday, I was a truck driver and a farmer! And a campground manager! And a Deputy! And a chef! Wow...what a day.
So the day until about 7:00 was pretty normal - I was a campground manager (and deputy, obviously. That distinction doesn't just go away.) And I baked a yummy cake - hence the chef. Then about 7, Jeff called and said he was at the grain elevator and he could pick me up if I still wanted to go cut wheat with him and the farmer. Well, yeah! So he drove to the park in Sam Zook's truck and picked me up. Riding in a semi, you feel pretty important. I'm not a girlie girl, unless you are classifying a girlie girl but the numbers of lotions she has, but I imagine that's what it feels like to be the Queen in a parade! It was really cool! In the truck, Jeff let me untarp the wheat , release the air brakes and blow the horn. You know when I have that stupid grin? Well - I grinned like that for pretty much the whole time. So when we got to the farm (which is just a couple of miles outside of town), Sam Zook's wife had brought supper :) Just like in Little House on the Prairie, but in a Toyota. She hadn't counted on me, but it was ok, because for one I was too excited to eat (I probably would've thrown up) and for two it was tuna sandwiches, yuck! After we ate, we drove a small load back in to town (where I got to talk to the people on the scale at the elevator), then back to the wheat cutting. When we got to the field where Sam was driving him combine and cutting wheat he asked if I wanted to ride with him. Uh, yah! So I rode in the combine. There are two seats, it's got a radio and an air conditioner and you sit about as high as you do in the semi. The combine blade was 25' wide and it kinda works like a electric razor for shaving dad's head. Except that it shuffles the cut stuff from 25' to a 4' opening then it goes in and separates the actual grain from everything else, then it spits the crap out in a line and another machine comes and bales it all up for bedding for cattle. All the grain is stored in a bin that is about 1/3 of what the truck can hold. So once it is full, he dumps it into another bin while driving - the two machines go parallel to one another and the auger from the combine empties it into the next bin, while driving. Did I say while driving? It's like a mid-air fueling on Air Force one! :) So then that 'middle man bin' gets driven to the semi - and augered into there. At one point the 'crap shoot' (HA!) on Sam's combine got clogged and I had to help him pull the stems and weeds out. :) So we did about 17 acres in about an hour and a half with the 25' combine. Then we were done with that section and the truck was about 2/3 full. So we (Jeff and I) had to take it to the elevator. He let me help to open the chutes on the bottom of the truck and you would not believe the dust cloud that came from dumping! You know black lung? I think we both had white lung! Then back to the farm and call it a day (on the way there, Jeff let me pull the air horn!) - it was about 10:30 before we were home and they are cutting wheat again this afternoon. I will have to pass, because my other hats have to be worn, but it was pretty exciting.
I think there is a massive disconnect (at least with me) between what I chose in college and what I really want to do day to day. I mean how am I supposed to know I don't want to be a farmer without seeing and trying it? But you have to pick and you have to pick relatively fast it seems to me looking back know. I just know I didn't like sitting in a cube. At first I thought it was cool, but probably within a couple of months I would've said I like the people I work with but not my job. I just wish there was such a thing as career camp. This is something I invented in my head last week - although something like it probably exists, because it's not that creative. There should be a camp (and at this age, I think it should be open to all ages) that lets you test careers. I definitely have an aptitude for computers - I'm not going to sell myself short and say that I don't have that skill. And I even enjoy them to a degree. But does that mean I have to spend the rest of my life with them? I don't want to be a farmer, or even a truck driver. But doing something different? And learning how the wheat was cut was really really cool. It was something I could've read, but instead got to do. I guess that's the point of all this. I want to DO stuff. I want to LEARN stuff (preferably without student loans!) I guess I have to surround myself with nice people who know way more than me and will show me. :) Anyone know a career where I can do this?
Love you all!
-Farmer, Deputy, Marketer, Manager, Chef, Student Cassie
Monday, June 25, 2007
1 more exciting thing-
I forgot to mention one exciting thing that did happen to me last week. I was deputized! A deputy came to serve papers but the guy wasn't in his trailer so he asked me to do it! I expect my badge and gun will probably be UPS'd to me this week!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Happy Friday!
Oh...and welcome to summer! That's why I'm blogging in the middle of the day - I've been mowing all morning and it's about 88 outside and too hot to keep going. So I thought I'd go inside with the ceiling fans and sit still. I'm still managing to resist A/c but may have to give in this weekend. I don't want it getting too hot for the computers. Yeah, that's the ticket...
I tried to make a cake here this week - and the cake turned out great until time to frost. The frosting was cool whip based and without the A/C on it just melted as I mixed it. Then when I poured it on the cake instead of frosting the cake, it wasn't pretty. Oh, well.
Let's see - not much has happened here since the elephant...
Bowling: 113,144,124. My average this week before these was 115, so it's going up. I'm starting to feel the pressure! At least I found "my ball" - a wonderful 8 pound silver public ball. :)
Jeff is hauling wheat for a farmer this weekend and he said he would take me along on one of the trips - that's in a semi. So I will have ridden in all sorts of machines - skid loaders, dumptrucks (I worked the dump, too!), backhoes, semis - and huge animals - elephants. :) My resume grows.
Next week I get a bunch of new stamps - very excited about that! :)
I tried to make a cake here this week - and the cake turned out great until time to frost. The frosting was cool whip based and without the A/C on it just melted as I mixed it. Then when I poured it on the cake instead of frosting the cake, it wasn't pretty. Oh, well.
Let's see - not much has happened here since the elephant...
Bowling: 113,144,124. My average this week before these was 115, so it's going up. I'm starting to feel the pressure! At least I found "my ball" - a wonderful 8 pound silver public ball. :)
Jeff is hauling wheat for a farmer this weekend and he said he would take me along on one of the trips - that's in a semi. So I will have ridden in all sorts of machines - skid loaders, dumptrucks (I worked the dump, too!), backhoes, semis - and huge animals - elephants. :) My resume grows.
Next week I get a bunch of new stamps - very excited about that! :)
Monday, June 18, 2007
Dude! I rode an elephant today!
And people think Kansas is boring!
So a looong time ago, LJ and I made some lists (I have no idea what really was on my list, but everyone once in a while LJ will be like "That was on our list!") of things to do before we die. Well, I am one step closer to that. (That sounds morbid.)
I rode an elephant today at the circus! It was pretty awesome. I had a really really great time - I went with the neighbor kids, Zack and Brooke. That's a new experience, taking kids to the circus. Either way, the elephants are a bitter sweet sorta thing, because I can't help but wonder if they are happy, but they looked healthy and I never saw them restrained by anything, really, chains or otherwise. Anyway - I'm sorry by how much I enjoyed touching and being that close to an elephant. Maybe someday I will ride a wild elephant. Well, not too wild. No more wild than me.... :). Something else learned today - very difficult to sit like a lady on a 'phant.

More pics here:
circus pictures videos here:
Elephant movie #1
'Phant movie #2
So a looong time ago, LJ and I made some lists (I have no idea what really was on my list, but everyone once in a while LJ will be like "That was on our list!") of things to do before we die. Well, I am one step closer to that. (That sounds morbid.)
I rode an elephant today at the circus! It was pretty awesome. I had a really really great time - I went with the neighbor kids, Zack and Brooke. That's a new experience, taking kids to the circus. Either way, the elephants are a bitter sweet sorta thing, because I can't help but wonder if they are happy, but they looked healthy and I never saw them restrained by anything, really, chains or otherwise. Anyway - I'm sorry by how much I enjoyed touching and being that close to an elephant. Maybe someday I will ride a wild elephant. Well, not too wild. No more wild than me.... :). Something else learned today - very difficult to sit like a lady on a 'phant.

More pics here:
circus pictures videos here:
Elephant movie #1
'Phant movie #2
Saturday, June 16, 2007
One tough chickie...
No seriously- I am. I proved it yesterday.
My day started at 8:00 am (GASP!) when this tough chickie bravely went to a meeting with some other city people. It was actually really cool - we did some of the touristy things I hadn't done around town yet, like visit Seelye mansion- where I met Terry Tietgens, the town hornswaggler. He was very charismatic and I can see why the octogenarian women of town fall for his tricks and give him money.
Anyway, with that over around 10, the office opened and I decided I had to mow. With both Ingrid and 'little green' out of commission, that meant that I mowed with a very small push mower with a bag on the back for about 5 hours. It was hot, damn hot. So hot in fact that when I went to go check in one of the 11 campers I checked in yesterday, and then came back to the mower, I burned to red lines into my palms from the handle. Did that stop me? No. Need to understand why that didn't stop me? Read the subject of the blog, genius.
My day started at 8:00 am (GASP!) when this tough chickie bravely went to a meeting with some other city people. It was actually really cool - we did some of the touristy things I hadn't done around town yet, like visit Seelye mansion- where I met Terry Tietgens, the town hornswaggler. He was very charismatic and I can see why the octogenarian women of town fall for his tricks and give him money.
Anyway, with that over around 10, the office opened and I decided I had to mow. With both Ingrid and 'little green' out of commission, that meant that I mowed with a very small push mower with a bag on the back for about 5 hours. It was hot, damn hot. So hot in fact that when I went to go check in one of the 11 campers I checked in yesterday, and then came back to the mower, I burned to red lines into my palms from the handle. Did that stop me? No. Need to understand why that didn't stop me? Read the subject of the blog, genius.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
I did so much better I think people believed that last week was setting averages!
I bowled a 137,127,127. Still low considering it's 9-pin, but I will take it. If I keep improving this way, maybe I will get into the 200s!
we have sprouted baby birds in our carport! I tried to take pictures but you can't really see them. You will just have to trust me - there are 4 of them.
I bowled a 137,127,127. Still low considering it's 9-pin, but I will take it. If I keep improving this way, maybe I will get into the 200s!
we have sprouted baby birds in our carport! I tried to take pictures but you can't really see them. You will just have to trust me - there are 4 of them.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Random balloon animals?
I love this town. I mean don't get me wrong - there are days when I wish it were teeming with 28 (by 28, I mean 39) year old men, or I wish it had a movie theater. But other than those two things, this town is pretty much perfect. This gushiness was induced last night by yet another run in with yet another stranger. This was an old man (all together now: in my target audience), but there will still some moments of nervousness. I hope you enjoy this scene:
Setting: Buckeye, in front of Catholic Church
Old Man
Cassie, an awkward girl
Cassie sees the old man in her path, standing with his hands on hips. Cassie cringes thinking, do I need to start carrying mace. She removes her headphones.
Old Man: Why are you walking without your dog?
Cassie: (Do I know this man? How does he know I have dogs?) Uh... well, I guess I should be walking my dog. Mean, I guess. But she pulls on the leash too much.
Old Man: Oh, I've got a better dog than you.
Cassie: You probably do!
Old Man: Come 'ere.
Gesticulates slightly toward a hidden corner on the church. He looks around slightly furtively. Cassie starts to get nervous. If an old man would've said this and done this in Denver she certainly would've walked away... but this is Abilene. Old Man starts to root in his pocket.
Cassie: Uh...
Old Man: So you like dogs?
Cassie: Yeah...
He pulls a blue balloon out of his pocket. Cassie is relieved!
Cassie: HA! Do you always carry balloons in your pocket?
Old Man: Do you know a better place to carry them?
He creates a blue poodle complete with puffy tail. Cassie awkwardly watches.
Old Man: Now, he doesn't eat much and will only bark if you step on him and he's easy to walk. When you get home put him on an ink pen near the phone and you'll always have something around to take messages!
Cassie: Thanks! You made my evening!
Old Man: Well have a good walk!
Cassie: (delightedly) Thanks!
Headphones safely back in her ears, Cassie tries not to smile. She grins like an idiot anyway as she carries the poodle away.
The End
Anyway... it was delightful and I'm glad I didn't run away. I mean where else do people randomly make you balloon animals. I'm also secretly glad my target audience is the group of people that do that. I certainly can't picture your average 28 year old guy making me a balloon animal. Although if I could find such a guy, he might actually have a shot with me. :)
Here's my newest pet:
Setting: Buckeye, in front of Catholic Church
Old Man
Cassie, an awkward girl
Cassie sees the old man in her path, standing with his hands on hips. Cassie cringes thinking, do I need to start carrying mace. She removes her headphones.
Old Man: Why are you walking without your dog?
Cassie: (Do I know this man? How does he know I have dogs?) Uh... well, I guess I should be walking my dog. Mean, I guess. But she pulls on the leash too much.
Old Man: Oh, I've got a better dog than you.
Cassie: You probably do!
Old Man: Come 'ere.
Gesticulates slightly toward a hidden corner on the church. He looks around slightly furtively. Cassie starts to get nervous. If an old man would've said this and done this in Denver she certainly would've walked away... but this is Abilene. Old Man starts to root in his pocket.
Cassie: Uh...
Old Man: So you like dogs?
Cassie: Yeah...
He pulls a blue balloon out of his pocket. Cassie is relieved!
Cassie: HA! Do you always carry balloons in your pocket?
Old Man: Do you know a better place to carry them?
He creates a blue poodle complete with puffy tail. Cassie awkwardly watches.
Old Man: Now, he doesn't eat much and will only bark if you step on him and he's easy to walk. When you get home put him on an ink pen near the phone and you'll always have something around to take messages!
Cassie: Thanks! You made my evening!
Old Man: Well have a good walk!
Cassie: (delightedly) Thanks!
Headphones safely back in her ears, Cassie tries not to smile. She grins like an idiot anyway as she carries the poodle away.
The End
Anyway... it was delightful and I'm glad I didn't run away. I mean where else do people randomly make you balloon animals. I'm also secretly glad my target audience is the group of people that do that. I certainly can't picture your average 28 year old guy making me a balloon animal. Although if I could find such a guy, he might actually have a shot with me. :)
Here's my newest pet:
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Blogging for Grandma's sake :)
Now - I'm really blogging for my sake, but let's keep that on the downlow.
Let's see - another busy week down - a couple of strange things and a couple of funnies.
So on Wednesday we had some bad bad winds... literally blew a tree over. Twigs and branches are still falling now and the clean-up is no fun. But it is kinda satisfying. Look at the pile (this was at about the halfway mark) and the tree! The tree was cut by Jeff's chainsaw and then Jeff's dump truck took away my satisfying pile.

That night was bowling. I'm on a 9-pin bowling team. So the point of 9-pin is that if you can knock down 9, it counts as a strike. So scores should be inflated. How's this for depressing - I bowled a 105, a 96 and a 103. I stand by that I was just setting my average so that at the end of the season, I can get a prize. According to my teammates however, there will be no prizes. I'm holding out hope.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday were pretty normal - cleaning up branches and cleaning the pool. Thursday night however, something interesting did happen here. Larry, one of our Harley riders here in town had two friends come in. And they gave an impromtu blues concert using my guitar. It was quite literally the best my guitar has ever sounded. Some would say it was better than TV. Brooke (Jeff's daughter) was hanging out with me for a girls' night and when Larry said it was better than TV, Brooke said "I don't know, I really like TV." That was classic and fantastic. She and I still enjoyed the concert as thrown by Shotgun and it was a pretty fun night.
Friday, I did ride in the backhoe again - this time in the bucket while Rod drove. He lifted it up and it was like being on an elephant! I would guess...
Saturday on my walk, something strange happened - a woman, maybe mid 50s, who appears to be doing just fine on her porch visiting with presumably family, comes up to me at a little gallop, I remove my headphones in time to hear her. The conversation is below:
Setting: Corner of 4th and Cedar
Strange Lady
Cassie, an awkward girl
Strange Lady: Hi, Baby girl!! How are you?!
Cassie: Uh, fine. How are you?
Strange Lady: Doin' real, real good! What've you been up to?
Cassie: Just walking...what've you been up to?
Strange Lady: Oh, just visiting with my grandkids, you know?
Gesticulates wildly toward the staring people on the porch.
Cassie: Have we met before?
Strange Lady: Oh, sure! Here or somewhere.
Gesticulates wildly toward Cedar Street.
Strange Lady: Well have a good walk!
Cassie: (awkwardly) Thanks...
Headphones safely back in her ears, Cassie tries not to run.
The End
Yesterday I went fishing for probably the 3rd or 4th time in my life - probably only the second time with an actual hook and bait. I went fishing while Grandma and Grandpa lived on Lake of the Ozarks, but Grandpa told me that if I caught anything, I would have to clean it - hence fishing without a hook. I wasn't going to take that chance! Anyway, I actually caught something, a pretty little blue gill, about the size of my hand. I threw it back and hopefully the hole in his nose heals quickly!
Anyway - bowling again on Wednesday, hopefully I start to show that I was indeed hustling! Good Lord! I need to blog more often so these things don't go on so long!
Let's see - another busy week down - a couple of strange things and a couple of funnies.
So on Wednesday we had some bad bad winds... literally blew a tree over. Twigs and branches are still falling now and the clean-up is no fun. But it is kinda satisfying. Look at the pile (this was at about the halfway mark) and the tree! The tree was cut by Jeff's chainsaw and then Jeff's dump truck took away my satisfying pile.
That night was bowling. I'm on a 9-pin bowling team. So the point of 9-pin is that if you can knock down 9, it counts as a strike. So scores should be inflated. How's this for depressing - I bowled a 105, a 96 and a 103. I stand by that I was just setting my average so that at the end of the season, I can get a prize. According to my teammates however, there will be no prizes. I'm holding out hope.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday were pretty normal - cleaning up branches and cleaning the pool. Thursday night however, something interesting did happen here. Larry, one of our Harley riders here in town had two friends come in. And they gave an impromtu blues concert using my guitar. It was quite literally the best my guitar has ever sounded. Some would say it was better than TV. Brooke (Jeff's daughter) was hanging out with me for a girls' night and when Larry said it was better than TV, Brooke said "I don't know, I really like TV." That was classic and fantastic. She and I still enjoyed the concert as thrown by Shotgun and it was a pretty fun night.
Friday, I did ride in the backhoe again - this time in the bucket while Rod drove. He lifted it up and it was like being on an elephant! I would guess...
Saturday on my walk, something strange happened - a woman, maybe mid 50s, who appears to be doing just fine on her porch visiting with presumably family, comes up to me at a little gallop, I remove my headphones in time to hear her. The conversation is below:
Setting: Corner of 4th and Cedar
Strange Lady
Cassie, an awkward girl
Strange Lady: Hi, Baby girl!! How are you?!
Cassie: Uh, fine. How are you?
Strange Lady: Doin' real, real good! What've you been up to?
Cassie: Just walking...what've you been up to?
Strange Lady: Oh, just visiting with my grandkids, you know?
Gesticulates wildly toward the staring people on the porch.
Cassie: Have we met before?
Strange Lady: Oh, sure! Here or somewhere.
Gesticulates wildly toward Cedar Street.
Strange Lady: Well have a good walk!
Cassie: (awkwardly) Thanks...
Headphones safely back in her ears, Cassie tries not to run.
The End
Yesterday I went fishing for probably the 3rd or 4th time in my life - probably only the second time with an actual hook and bait. I went fishing while Grandma and Grandpa lived on Lake of the Ozarks, but Grandpa told me that if I caught anything, I would have to clean it - hence fishing without a hook. I wasn't going to take that chance! Anyway, I actually caught something, a pretty little blue gill, about the size of my hand. I threw it back and hopefully the hole in his nose heals quickly!
Anyway - bowling again on Wednesday, hopefully I start to show that I was indeed hustling! Good Lord! I need to blog more often so these things don't go on so long!
Sunday, June 3, 2007
June and the Pirate
This blog has nothing to do with June (except the month of, perhaps) and there will be no pirate mentioned. Got your attention, though didn't I, Laura Judy?
SO this week was more exciting than the blog may have implied. I didn't blog much, but several things of note did happen.
I believe I'm being hit on by an older gentleman (my target audience) who has invited me to have 'beans and cornbread' and beer with him and now offered to take me for a ride on his hog (not literal). I'm running out of polite ways to say no.
I got to go swimming a little on Thursday and again yesterday! Very exciting. I wanted to go today, but...
my hammock got in the way. I've used my hammock just about everyday and I realize now that continuing to fantasize about owning a hammock was justifiable. I dozed all afternoon in my hammock. Next (this) week, we are expecting a high of 90 and a low of 67 on Wednesday, so I'm considering attempting a whole night in the hammock.
I drove a back-hoe. This is a big machine (huge really) that can dig whole holes or carry big things in a scoop. (This description was taken from The neighbor, Rod, was trimming trees with a chainsaw. He needed someone to lift him (he stood in the bucket) and steer him around so he could cut. Enter Cassie, stage left. It was pretty cool. I told him the next time I do that, I want to take a picture to show you guys. :)
I put out a fire. On Monday, a camper came to the office and said "I think some bimbo put her cigarettes in the dumpster." This brought to mind several comebacks - the most obvious one is that "bimbo" brings to mind a ditzy blond with big perky boobs. I wanted to tell him we don't get many of those - just gray hairs with big saggy boobs. But onward. I went outside and saw no smoke or anything, but told them I would throw a bucket of water on there for good measure. I sauntered (literally) to the bucket and then to the faucet and by the time I got back there were actual flames. I was fairly surprised. I threw two buckets on there (for good measure.) Rod, a firefighting hero, told me he was glad I didn't lose my head and call 911. I told him, if I had, maybe I could meet some boys. :)
Today I was full of energy and went for 2! bike rides for a grand total of 18 miles today. I can justify eating chocolate ice cream right out of the container.
Love to all!
Oh! And welcome to June.
SO this week was more exciting than the blog may have implied. I didn't blog much, but several things of note did happen.
I believe I'm being hit on by an older gentleman (my target audience) who has invited me to have 'beans and cornbread' and beer with him and now offered to take me for a ride on his hog (not literal). I'm running out of polite ways to say no.
I got to go swimming a little on Thursday and again yesterday! Very exciting. I wanted to go today, but...
my hammock got in the way. I've used my hammock just about everyday and I realize now that continuing to fantasize about owning a hammock was justifiable. I dozed all afternoon in my hammock. Next (this) week, we are expecting a high of 90 and a low of 67 on Wednesday, so I'm considering attempting a whole night in the hammock.
I drove a back-hoe. This is a big machine (huge really) that can dig whole holes or carry big things in a scoop. (This description was taken from The neighbor, Rod, was trimming trees with a chainsaw. He needed someone to lift him (he stood in the bucket) and steer him around so he could cut. Enter Cassie, stage left. It was pretty cool. I told him the next time I do that, I want to take a picture to show you guys. :)
I put out a fire. On Monday, a camper came to the office and said "I think some bimbo put her cigarettes in the dumpster." This brought to mind several comebacks - the most obvious one is that "bimbo" brings to mind a ditzy blond with big perky boobs. I wanted to tell him we don't get many of those - just gray hairs with big saggy boobs. But onward. I went outside and saw no smoke or anything, but told them I would throw a bucket of water on there for good measure. I sauntered (literally) to the bucket and then to the faucet and by the time I got back there were actual flames. I was fairly surprised. I threw two buckets on there (for good measure.) Rod, a firefighting hero, told me he was glad I didn't lose my head and call 911. I told him, if I had, maybe I could meet some boys. :)
Today I was full of energy and went for 2! bike rides for a grand total of 18 miles today. I can justify eating chocolate ice cream right out of the container.
Love to all!
Oh! And welcome to June.
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