Things got downright busy around here! And not in a dirty way - Grandma Rae this is a G-rated blog, you dirty bird!
Sunday, I mowed and killed weeds. So satisfying killin'. And I shaved Vixie - she is sporting her new summer cut and has a young, sassy attitude to go along with it!
Monday, I worked all the live-long day with Rod building wind-breaks for the bathrooms. Ah, pouring concrete and digging out rocks - not quite as satisfying as killin', but when Rod said "I think we're done until Fall" I have to admit that it made me pretty durn happy!
Yesterday was rainy and so most of the day was spent in-the-doors and I did laundry money and paperwork stuff. Laundry money sounds like it might be fun, but really gathering up $$$ in quarters and going through each one - not that much fun by yourself, maybe if you had a Quarter Party, it could be awesome. I have to look through each one because my mom is collecting the new state quarters for each of us kids. (We are also probably collecting fecal matter and diseases by touching each of those quarters.)
Today was another rainy day and I spent all afternoon putting stuff on Ebay. My life is so hard!
Here's a picture of Vixie's new haircut - it looks best on dogs with pointy heads and curly tails. Beppo's picture is just because we don't want to play favorites - she gets really stinkin' jealous.
I didn't know Beppo was a girl. That's what everyone says about Dizzy too. Maybe you can disinfect the quarters, and avoid the E. Coli. Cnan you get that from quarters?
I read this Blog today and tried to remember what a person can get from Quarters and the only thing I came up with was two dimes and a nickel. And then I thought about a Quarter party can't say I ever went to one...But there is always room to learn new things maybe it would be fun... what would the rules for it be? Oh and by the way the girls look very pretty.. LUV U Grams
Vixie is stylin!!! Beppo is a pretty girl too
There are probably NOT too many diseases you can catch from quarters
Love ya
Aunt Sandi
I like the photos Cassie! It makes me feel more connected seeing what you see with the rivers and your cutie patootie puppies. Stay at high grounds and be safe. Drinking chocolate milk - I love it! Indulge!
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