Normally I would say yes.
Today, however, her microwave that has traveled with her through this life since 1983 has gone to a farm to play with other old microwaves and was replaced by a smaller younger microwave. Presumably one that is not emitting cancer-causing waves at any one's mid-section. To give you an idea of the age of the older, freer microwave, it has fake wood metal sides, that were dented. It was bought when Erikka was a baby. It was larger than the entire packing and boxing of the new microwave.
koo-koo-ka-choo, baby.
The object showing scale in these pictures is a CD envelope.
Good for you! A new microwave when the old one has gone to MW heaven! Better cooking and no more bad stuff in the air
Love ya
Aunt Sandi
I hate to be the one to tell you this, Cassie, but you deserve to know the truth...
...There is no microwave heaven.
This is faaaaantastic. The best part is that you clarified that the CD envelope is, in fact, a CD envelope. And while I agree with my brother that there is no SPECIFIC microwave heaven, there is an appliance heaven, and I'm sure Mr. (or Mrs.) ancient microwave will be happy frolicking with the 30-year-old washing machine my mom finally got rid of this week.
Cass: Just want you to know that after a lot of consoling and a nice big milk shake we now have calmed your mothers tears from the loss of KENNY THE KENMORE(recently named deceased microwave) As for me I don't think my attachment to that old piece of junk is strong.
So congradulations on your great choice of a replacement
To All Interested parties the MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR KENNY THE KENMORE will be held at a time selected by the elimintor of said microwave. In Llieu of your presents, gifts of either tissue (for the tears) or a dinner of your choice for Cass to cook in the replacement
Ummm - I think I hidden 50 $100 bills behind the metal cover on the back of poor kenny!
When I was five my Mom bought a clock (also a Kenmore, I assume) that she named "Kenny" in order to try to make it more appealing or less scary to me. Apparently for a week we ate dinner outsideof the kitchen where Kenny was perched because I refused to enter due to Kenny's ominous sounding dinging at each hour.
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