Saturday, February 19, 2011

What a week!

I've been so busy! Day job - check, campground on Friday - check, My taxes - check, Cari's taxes - check, working on a friend's computer - check(well, this one is still in progress - but it counts!) And FISHING! No catching, but happy to be out there in the sun, pretending all this winter ugliness is over. I do sometimes wonder if something is wrong with me... I mean, more than the obvious. I feel so much better when it's sunny and warm, I'm more easy-going and agreeable, more patient, more understanding. So I turn to my old friend Google:

According to Mayo Clinic:

Fall and winter seasonal affective disorder (winter depression)
Winter-onset seasonal affective disorder symptoms include:

  • Depression
  • Hopelessness
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of energy
  • Social withdrawal
  • Oversleeping
  • Loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed
  • Appetite changes, especially a craving for foods high in carbohydrates
  • Weight gain
  • Difficulty concentrating and processing information

Hmm. I don't think I am actually 'depressed' when it's winter... all I am 'hoping' for is Spring. I'm 'anxious' for warmer weather. I lack the 'energy' to do anything but dream. All the cool 'social' activities require better weather. Might as well go back to 'sleep' until spring. How could you 'enjoy the spring activities' in this frigid weather? I always 'crave carbohydrates'. Look...aren't we all 'gaining a little weight'?...What were we talking about, I can't 'concentrate'.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Going once, going twice... SOLD!

I went to a "Storage Wars"-style auction today with Rod... it was cold, cold, cold, but interesting and fun. If you haven't seen the show, it's about people who own storage units are auctioning off units that are in default. I find the show interesting for several reasons:

1) I think other people's stuff is interesting - I love going through storage units that are in default. Even though it's usually junk that gets trashed or donated, it's still interesting to see what people thought was worth saving - and paying to save (which is usually the most mind-boggling part).

2) I like reality TV - I know that that's not 'cool', but I really think it's more about other people's thought processes and dramas. It's nice to watch it, laugh about it and, yes, even think about it. And yet... not to be involved with it or have any impact on my life from it. Very tempting to me.

3) Ah, the old gold prospector. If you've followed this blog or ever seen me (ever) you know I am poor. The idea that these people can pay $600 or $700 for a unit and literally turn it around into $10,000 plus ... amazing. Just makes me dream that someday I will fall into money without any real effort.

4) Education - being involved in these storage units, it doesn't hurt to see some of the things that other people are able to sell for big money (but our storage units are usually whammies).

Anyway, today's trip to Salina's storage auctions really wasn't all that exciting. They open the door and you are allowed to look, but you can't go in or touch - then the auction begins. The most exciting things were a wheelbarrow (I didn't realize how much I want a wheelbarrow until this morning...) and a tankless water heater. Rod bid it up to $300 but without being able to look at it, couldn't tell if it was wort anything. That unit went for $370. I was actually a little disappointed by the auction because the show has me spoiled for seeing the full story from bid to new-found treasure to a sale and I have no idea if those people were buying to turn a profit or because they just wanted the stuff they could see. There was a large turn-out and most of the people were having side conversations about the show. It's kind of amazing the impact that TV can have on a ... well, I can't think of the right word.... situation. In the past, I would bet at 9:00 Saturday morning at 27 degrees... well, I would bet the turnout would've been small. But... today, under those circumstances, there was probably 40 people.... hoping to find gold in an old box.
