Sunday, November 30, 2008

Babies, babies, babies!

This weekend I got to do a really cool thing. I got to see twins born - a boy and then a girl. Live, in person. I was only 1 of three people in the room, which was really an honor. And I did get to hold a brand new baby. I've always wanted to be a mama and involved in babies, so I can't even begin to tell you how much this upped the "I want one" factor. The noises new babies's kinda a cry, kinda a mewl. The boy was definitely the more difficult birthing- but the mom did both patiently and without drugs. A better goat than me, that's for sure. :) Did i trick you at all? Baby goats are one of the most cute things in the world. I wish I'd had my camera with me, but when I left the house I didn't predict I would be seeing a goat 'kid'. That's what it's called when a goat gives birth - kidding. A cow giving birth is called calving. When I get some land outside of town I will definitely have goats. Definitely.

I found this picture of a baby online - my goats were brown and white (which I named Tire Tracks and Santa Claus - I don't know if the owner will use those names... we'll see).

Now a real life picture. We were messing with the camera this weekend and Kyler took a picture while I was walking. And with no doctoring, this is how this particular photo turned out. Creepy, huh? I look like the freaking Grim Reaper. I tried to downplay it a little - because Kyler (only 10) kept saying maybe a ghost was standing in front of me when he took the picture and I didn't want him to get scared - but it really did creep me out!

Monday, November 24, 2008

But who will I moon?

And who will moon me?

Construction is finally done on I-70 between here and Salina. I'm pretty sure they've been working on it since Mom and Dad bought the joint. Sooo... I really can't anything about any other interstates...but if you want to come visit and are heading east to me. Enjoy the new road! I didn't have anything to do with it, but Mom did!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What a day for Chapman... and for Cassie!

Setting: Yesterday, Abilene, KS area

Well I got up early to get over to Chapman to get to yell Move That Bus. Originally it was supposed to be at 2:00pm but I heard from my sources at 11:00am that they'd moved it to 11:30. So I hurried off...and proceeded to wish I had a chair and stand around for 2 hours. I did get to cheer and scream and yell Move That Bus...for about a half an hour in 35 degree temperatures. That was enough for me. I left before they moved the actual bus. I had heard that Gavin Rossdale - a singer that I think is adorable and had a huge thing for in high school and is married to Gwen Stefani - was in town because the mom is a big fan, but was just going to meet with the family, not do a concert or anything in the new community center, complete with stage. I didn't really believe it. But I accepted it.
Then on the 5 o'clock news I heard that there was going to be a concert- it was supposed to start at 4, but they were running late. Luckily gas is cheap ($1.75!), I scurried back. Sure enough around 6:30, there was finally a concert! It was freezing and there was a cranky old man there who kinda put a damper on things, but to see Gavin... from 30 ft away? Pretty impressive. Actually, a lot of fun. And 10 minutes away from home and for free!!!
Then to top it off - I bowled the best game of my life - 168! I think it earns me a patch. I hope, I hope, I hope! Now, if it does... where to sew it?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Extreme Home Makeover

Well, while I don't think anyone in Chapman would say that the June 11th tornado was a good thing - there is a silver lining. Extreme Home Makeover, complete with Ty, Paige and all the man-tears you can stand, came to Chapman to help rebuild last week. It's actually pretty amazing. I took some pictures yesterday and I'll post them at the end. From what I understand the family chosen for the big house is pretty needy - a family of six, plus a nephew. The dad was injured in Iraq - I've heard different ways, shot in the neck or brain or back injury - either way sounds pretty extreme. Extreme enough to make Ty cry, I'm sure. They've been living on base at Fort Riley since the tornado - while the kids are still in school in Chapman - probably about 20-30 minutes away. Sounds like a family that will definitely have a much improved and much deserved life. Right now I think the family is in the Bahamas and that too me - that's a huge benefit too as the cold season has started. To me the crews working (most of which are local volunteers- -3000 volunteers) look like ants on an ant hill that I just kicked over. Seriously though - it really does make me think of an old-timey barn raising. The community has definitely shown support - if not for the family and Chapman, then the support for the desire to maybe be on TV!
But like I said - they are helping with the rebuilding of Chapman - not just one family. They are also rebuilding the community center - complete with huuuuge storm shelter, the city park, a smaller renovation for another family, and yesterday I even over heard someone saying that there was a bunch of volunteers down at the high school - an extra project. Now there are two ways to look at all this - depending on the level of cynicism I am feeling. It's amazing that 3000+ people and companies can come together and do this for each other. It kinda makes me sad that it takes 6 months and small screen celebrities to make it happen. And when it does happen - they build one huge home - rather than 5 smaller homes. Part of it is the appeal - the oooooh, ahhhh. But I think that I wish the appeal was just as great if they rebuilt for more people. The other side of me - the cynical aspect of me - is greatly pleased to be proved correct as some of the people of Chapman are getting jealous and snipe-y. Lots of people are whispering "They don't deserve it." Don't get me wrong - I think the family that they chose and the projects that the teams are working on are valid and needy - I stopped watching that show a long time ago because I got tired of crying both happy and sad tears, so... Sad. Happy. Sad? Happy? You tell me. Pictures galore.

This one is a little outside of town - but I think it's cool.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I have a president

For the first time, the person I voted for ... and believed in for the past 2+ years won. I have a president.

I spent several (2+) hours at a local bar defending Barack and listening to ... AHEM... different opinions. Some from people that I love and think are great. But loving those people.. and listening to their.. AHEM... different opinions, makes me even more proud. What a great place I live in.


I voted today...and I hope you did too... now it's just a waiting game! I'm excited and hopeful!