Thursday, September 25, 2008

Promised photos

Hey all !

Here is a link to some promised photos - most are from the 4-wheeling competition this past weekend - we came in 3rd by the way, despite the broken axle. In the competition rules dictate that you wear helmets - hence the astronaut helmet borrowed from a local demo derby champion. My Jeep is fine. The bulls: Tommy has a friend who raises buckin' bulls. When they are young they train the bulls to buck using innocent children and mildly adventurous 20-somethings on their backs. The owner bailed on us last weekend, but I'm hopeful a chance will come again. If so, pictures will follow for certain.

Sept 2008

And here are links to the 4-wheeling videos on YouTube:



Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It's been a long time comin'

Do you remember a few years ago when that guy in North Georgia was supposed to cremate a lot of bodies, but got overwhelmed when a part broke or something... and didn't cremate any of them? That's kind of like me and this blog. Everyday would go by and I would think ... I should've blogged! Then I would think.. I'll catch everyone up tomorrow. And so on and so on. Until today. I'm blogging.

Because so much has happened, I'm just going to cover the high points. Or low points.

Lowest Point: I had to put Vixie down. :( She was blind, diabetic, arthritic and had lost control of her bladder. I was mopping every day and she was still spending most days in a baby crib. It seemed to be getting beyond the point of fair. She was a very good dog. The house seems very quiet now (Baby and Beppo only bark when there is a real reason...Vix would bark just to say hi. Fourteen times.) And I haven't had a dog hug in too long. She would put a paw on either shoulder and just relax on your neck. Greatest dog hug ever. I just put her down last week. It was incredibly hard and I still get sad thinking about it. This morning Baby was sniffing under the kitchen table (where Vix usually hid). I think she can't quite figure out where the old lady is.

High Point and Low point: I now am down to just one job - running the campground. Just in time for winter when I can really afford to have to jobs. All summer I struggled a little bit through two jobs, but the company wasn't making enough money to afford me, so... that was the end of that. They might bring me back...but we'll see. This is good on one hand because that job was very boring, but also annoying because I was saving my money to afford 2 trips this fall - one to CO to visit my friends out there in October and one to GA in December to meet Erikka's new addition and help out however I can. But with only one income.... I have to save my pennies and I think it would be best to just plan a trip to GA and hope for CO next year. That is if Erikka and Steve (and Mo) don't mind the help and company.

Medium point: I started taking Tax Classes to learn how to prepare tax returns for H&R Block. I'm thinking that this will be a good time taker for a couple of months just when I have the extra time to give.

Medium-Low (scary) point: Starting tomorrow the motorcycle group is coming in - we are expecting 30-40 motorcycles. This is great for the campground- nice way to end the busy season, but our park has about 45 spots - and is about 1/3 full right now. Luckily most of them can double up... but this place is going to be incredible busy this weekend. I just keep thinking - survive to Sunday afternoon, survive, survive, survive.

Highest point: Last weekend was a 4-wheeling competition and we had lots of fun - I went with Jeff and his kids, and Tommy - the guy I've been seeing - and his kids. I have a couple of videos and pictures and I will youtube them... today... or tomorrow. I promise.

I'm sure there is more... but I can't think of what else has happened. I will try to get back into bloggin.